Poison-weed (WYETHIA)
Has marked outcomes on the throat, and has validated an extremely good treatment in pharyngitis, specially the follicular form. Irritable throats of singers and public speakers. Useful additionally in haemorrhoids. Hay-fever symptoms; itching in posterior nares.
Head.–Nervous, uneasy, depressed. Dizzy. Rush of blood to head. Sharp ache in forehead.
Mouth.–Feels as if scalded; sensation of warmth down oesophagus. Itching of the palate.
Throat.–Constant clearing and hemming. Dry, posterior nares; no comfort from clearing. Throat feels swollen; epiglottis dry and burning. Difficult swallowing. Constant wish to swallow saliva. Uvula feels elongated.
Stomach.–Sense of weight. Belching of wind alternating with hiccough. Nausea and vomiting.
Abdomen.–Pain beneath ribs of proper side.
Stool.–Loose, dark, at night. Itching of anus. Constipation, with haemorrhoids; now not bleeding.
Respiratory.–Dry, hacking cough, precipitated via tickling of the epiglottis. Burning sensation in the bronchial tubes. Tendency to get hoarse speakme or singing; throat hot, dry. Dry asthma.
Female.–Pain in left ovary, taking pictures down to knee. Pain in uterus; should define its contour.
Extremities.–Pain in back; extends to quit of spine. Pain proper arm, stiffness of wrist and hand. Aching pains all over.
Fever.–Chill at eleven am. Thirst for ice-water at some point of chill. No thirst with heat. Profuse sweat all night. Terrific headache at some stage in sweat.
Relationship.–Compare: Arum; Sang; Lach.
Dose.–First to sixth potency.