Cerebral congestion, with neuralgia; migraine; rheumatic and gouty pains.
Head.–Sensation of a band round head; can’t eager hat on (Carbol ac). Skin of brow tense. Fear of falling when standing up. Violent vertigo, as if the entirety became around. Buzzing in ears; higher in open air.
Respiratory.–Cough, with burning and pricking in respiratory tracts. Weak voice.
Urinary.–Urine smells strongly of violets (Terebinth).
Extremities.–Right axillary muscular tissues painful. Weight and lassitude in limbs, specially the shoulders. Burning in hole of proper hand. Drawing ache in thumb and huge toe.
Relationship.–Compare: Cyclamen; Ranunc; Å’nothera–Evening Primrose–(exhausting, watery diarrhoea; cholera infantum; hydrocephaloid); Primula farinosa-the wild Primrose–(dermatitis, particularly on index fingers and thumbs).
Dose.–Third potency.