Has massive scientific popularity in the cure of earache, toothache, and enuresis. Sharp ache in eyes, reflex from decayed enamel or infection of center ear. Eyeball very soft to touch. Pain performs between enamel and ears. Pyorrhea alveolaris. Depression and insomnia of continual Nicotinism. Causes an aversion to tobacco.
Head.–Periodical prosopalgia, worse 7 am to two pm, accompanied with go with the flow of tears, photophobia; pains radiate to temples and decrease face.
Ears.–Hearing acute; noise painful. Sticking ache in ears. Neuralgic earache; ache goes from one ear to the different via the head. Otalgia, with toothache. Loud noises go thru one.
Nose.–Sudden, yellowish, watery discharge.
Mouth.–Teeth discomfort and are touchy and sore to touch. Swelling of cheeks. Salivation; tooth experience too long; worse, bloodless air and contact. Toothache, higher whilst eating. Profuse of saliva. Toothache, with reflex neuralgia of eyelids.
Stool.–Wants to defecate; goes often, however can’t bad, can hardly ever stand. Diarrhoea, with brown watery
Urine.–Profuse flow; nocturnal enuresis (Rhus arom; Caust; Bellad).
Skin.–Itching and burning; papulae. Urticaria, chilblains (Agar; Tamus).
Relationship.–Compare: Kalm; Cham; Puls.
Dose.–Tincture, and decrease potencies. Local use in toothache in hole teeth, otorrhoea, pruritus, and Poison-oak. Incised wounds.