Carbonate of Sodium(NATRUM CARBONICUM)
All the Natrums stimulate cell pastime and enlarge oxidation and metabolish. Great debility prompted via summer season heat; continual outcomes of sunstroke; exhaustion; anaemic; milky, watery skin; very susceptible ankles, are all atypical Natrum carbonicum conditions.
Mind.–Unable to think; difficult, gradual comprehension. Mental weak point and depression; worries; very touchy to noise; colds, trade of weather. Anxious and stressed throughout thunderstorm; worse from track (Ambra). Marked gayety. Sensitive to presence of positive individuals.
Head.–Aches from slightest intellectual exertion, worse from solar or working beneath gas-light (Glon) Feels too large. Oversensitive of hearing. Head aches with return of warm weather. Vertigo from publicity to sun.
Nose.–All troubles of exterior nostril which might also reap a morbid size-pimples and puffiness. Constant coryza; obstruction of nose. Catarrh; horrific scent of nasal secretion. Many troubles of exterior nostril (Caust). Posterior nasal catarrh. Hawking an awful lot mucus from throat; worse, slightest draught.
Face.–Freckles, yellow spots, pimples. Swelling of higher lip. Pale, with blue rings round eyes and swollen lids.
Stomach.-Feels swollen and sensitive. Ill outcomes of ingesting bloodless water when overheated. Water-brash. Hungry at 5 am. Very susceptible digestion, prompted by using slightest error of diet. Averse to milk. Depressed after eating. Bitter taste. Old dyspeptics, usually belching, have bitter belly and rheumatism. Dyspepsia relieved through soda biscuits.
Bowels.–Sudden name to stool. Escapes with haste and noise. Yellow substance like pulp of orange in discharge. Diarrhoea from milk.
Female.–Induration of cervix. Pudenda sore. Bearing-down sensation (Sep; Murex). Heaviness; worse, sitting; higher by means of moving. Menses late, scanty like meat-washings (Nitric ac). Leucorrhoeal discharge, offensive, disturbing preceded by means of colic.
Respiratory.–Dry cough, when coming into heat room from out of doors. Cough with coldness of left aspect of breast.
Sleep.–Wakes too early in morning. Amorous dreams. Drowsy all through day.
Extremities.–Old sprains. Great weak spot of limbs, mainly in morning. Easy dislocation and spraining of ankles. Foot bends underneath (Caust). Soreness between toes and fingers. Heel and tendo-Achilles affected. Capped hands. The hole of the knee is painful on motion. Icy bloodless up to knees.
Skin.–Inclination to perspire easily, or dry, rough, cracked skin. Eruption on finger-tips, knuckles and toes. Vesicular eruption in patches and circles. Veins full. Soles of toes uncooked and sore.
Modalities.–Worse, sitting, from music, summer season heat, intellectual exertion, thunderstorm. Least draught, modifications of weather, sun. Better, by means of moving, via boring in ears and nose.
Relationship.–Compare: Sodii bicarbonas (in vomiting of being pregnant with acetonuria, 30 grains in water unfold over twenty-four hours); Nat sulph; Caust; Natr cacodyl (Foul breath and mouth with horrific odor. Dry dermatitis of the pores and skin of abdomen. Malignant growths. In phthisis, 5 centigrammes hypodermically, daily. Increase range of purple blood corpuscles to double. Also in malignant disease). Arsynal–(Disodium methylarsenate). Introduced by way of M. A. Gautier, for phthisis in the 2d stage four to 6 centigrammes per day for one week accompanied with the aid of a week’s intermission. But a lot smaller doses, i.e, 1x to 3x are observed by using improvement, lessened fever, night time sweat and haemoptysis ceasing.
Antidote: Ars. Camph.
Dose.–Sixth potency.