Purple Fish


The signs of the lady sexual organs are most-prominent, and have been clinically verified. Especially tailored to nervous, lively, affectionate women. Patient vulnerable and run down.

Mind.–Great sadness, anxiety, and dread.

Stomach.–Sinking, all-gone sensation in belly (Sep). Hungry, have to eat.

Female.–Conscious of a womb. Pulsation in neck of womb. Desire effortlessly excited. Feeling as if some thing was once urgent on a sore spot in the pelvis: worse sitting. Pain from proper aspect of womb to proper or left breast. Nymphomania. Least contact of components motives violent sexual excitement. Sore ache in uterus. Menses irregular, profuse, frequent, giant clots. Feeling of protrusion. Prolapse; expansion of uterus, with pelvic tenesmus and sharp pains, extending towards breasts; aggravated mendacity down. Dysmenorrhoea and continual endometritis, with displacement. Must hold legs tightly crossed. Leucorrhoea inexperienced or bloody, alternate with intellectual signs and symptoms and aching in sacrum. Benign tumors in breasts. Pain in them in the course of menstrual period.

Urinary.–Urine well-known at night; smells like Valerian regular urging (Kreos).

Modalities.–Worse, least touch.

Relationship.–Compare: Plat; Lil; Sep (the latter lacks sexual erethism of Murex).

Dose.–Third to thirtieth potency

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