A terrific medicinal drug for whooping-cough. In order to insure its full success, it need to be given in the decrease dilutions from 1x to 3x. Suffocative feeling, asthmatic paroxysms, spasmodic cough; cough so violent, looks as if every spell would terminate life. Child should be raised up, receives blue in face, can’t exhale, Mucous rales via top section of chest. Patient needs to bathe in ice-cold water.
Mind.–Excited, full of fancies. Can neither sleep nor work.
Eyes.–Pain from overexertion; blur; unable to distinguish letters; conjunctiva red; eyes warm and painful.
Mouth.–Painful jerks in root of teeth. Bloated face. Coppery taste, as after ingesting onions.
Respiratory.–Sudden contraction of glottis, when consuming or talking. Food goes down incorrect way. False croup; can’t exhale. Spasmodic and whooping-cough. Few paroxysms in day-time, however many at night; with vomiting after eating. Asthma, as if inhaling sulphur; cough from talking; hollow, deep, with rawness, hoarseness, and pains thru chest. Violent spasmodic cough; worse at night.
Sleep.–Awakes at night time with rush of blood to decrease legs. Vivid dream of water, fire, etc.
Relationship.–Compare: Dros; Coral; Sticta.
Dose.–First to 1/3 potency. Has a very quick action.