Lactic Acid

Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheumatism provide a area for this remedy. Troubles in the breasts. Locally, in the tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords.

Stomach.–Tongue dry, parched. Thirst; voracious hunger. Canker, copious salivation and water-brash. Nausea; morning sickness, in particular in faded anaemic women. Hot, acrid eructation. Nausea; better, eating. Burning, warm gasoline from belly to throat, inflicting profuse secretion of tenacious mucus, worse smoking.

Throat.–Fullness or lump like a puff ball. Keeps swallowing. Constricted low down.

Chest.–Pain in breasts, with expansion of axillary glands, and ache extends into hand.

Extremities.–Rheumatic ache in joints and shoulders, wrists, knees, with tons weakness. Trembling of entire physique whilst walking. Limbs sense chilly.

Urine.–Large portions passed, frequently. Saccharine.

Relationship.–Compare: Sarcolactic acid q v. Lithia; Phos ac.

Dose.–Third to thirtieth potency. Six to ten drops in a small glass of water in acute gastro-enteritis (Cartier).

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