Mountain Laurel

A rheumatic remedy. Pains shift rapidly. Nausea and gradual pulse regularly accompanying. Has additionally a distinguished motion on the heart. In small doses, it speeds up the heart’s action; in large it moderates it greatly. Neuralgia; pains shoot downwards, with numbness. Fulgurating pains of locomotor ataxia. Protracted and non-stop fevers, with tympanites. Paralytic sensations; pains and aching in limbs accompany almost each and every crew of symptoms. Albuminuria.

Head.–Vertigo; worse stooping. Confusion of brain. Pain in the front and temporal area from head to nape and to teeth; from cardiac origin.

Eyes.–Vision impaired. Stiff, drawing sensation when shifting eyes. Rheumatic iritis. Scleritis, ache multiplied through shifting the eye.

Face.–Neuralgia; worse proper side. Stitches in tongue. Stitches and tearing in bones of jaw and face.

Stomach.–Warm, glowing sensation in epigastrium. Nausea; vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach; worse by way of bending forward; relieved via sitting erect. Bilious attacks, with nausea, vertigo, and headache. Sensation of something being pressed underneath the epigastrium.

Urinary.–Frequent, with sharp pains in lumbar region. Post-scarlatinal nephritis.

Heart.–Weak, gradual pulse (Dig; Apoc can). Fluttering of heart, with anxiety. Palpitation; worse leaning forward. Gouty and rheumatic metastasis of heart. Tachycardia, with ache (Thyroid). Tobacco heart. Dyspnoea and stress from epigastrium towards the heart. Sharp pains take away the breath. Shooting thru chest above coronary heart into shoulder-blades. Frequent pulse. Heart’s motion tumultuous, speedy and visible. Paroxysms of discomfort round heart.

Female.–Menses too early, or suppressed, with ache in limbs and returned and internal of thighs. Leucorrhoea follows menses.

Back.–Pain from neck down arm; in higher three dorsal vertebrae extending to shoulder-blade. Pain down back, as if it would break; in localized areas of spine; thru shoulders. Lumbar pains, of worried origin.

Extremities.–Deltoid rheumatism specifically right. Pains from hips to knees and feet. Pains have an effect on a giant section of a limb, or numerous joints, and pass by via quickly. Weakness, numbness, pricking, and feel of coldness in limbs. Pains alongside ulnar nerve, index finger. Joints red, hot, swollen. Tingling and numbness of left arm.

Sleep.–Sleepless, wakes very early in morning.

Modalities.–Worse, leaning ahead (opposite, Kali carb); searching down; motion, open air.

Relationship.–Compare: Kalmia consists of Arbutin g v. Derris pinuta (of fantastic carrier in neuralgic complications of rheumatic origin).

Compare: Spigelia; Pulsat.

Complementary: Benz acid.

Dose.–Tincture, to sixth potency.

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