Stringy mucus from throat and posterior nares. Rawness. Neck muscle tissue rigid. Joints weak. Cannot raise things. Ligaments rigid. Subacute gouty state. Evaporated and residium triturated to 6x. Of use in sub-acute and continual rheumatism. White covered tongue. High coloured urine with purple sandy sediment. Sensation of tension worse moving. Especially in lumbar area and joints of hips, shoulders and wrists. Not perceived when quiet. More in morning. Cannot stay lengthy in one position. Stiffness of muscle groups on moving. Pain in ligaments relieved via rest.
Relationship.–Lycopodium, Phosphor. Rhus Pulsat, however modalities differ.
Modalities.–Worse, stiffness of muscle mass on moving. Better, relaxation (ligaments and stiffness of muscles).
Dose.–Lower triturations. Also thirtieth potency.