Habitual ailing headaches. Profuse, haemorrhages, pulmonary and from specific organs. Vomiting of blood. Ulceration of stomach. Atonic and foul ulcers. Summer complaint.
Head.–Giddiness, with diplopia; better, closing eyes. Ptosis and dilated pupils. Sick headache.
Mouth.–Dry; tip of tongue burning. Pharyngitis.
Stomach.–Catarrhal gastritis with profuse secretion, tendency to ulceration and passive haemorrhage. Lessens the vomiting in gastric ulcer.
Stool.–Constant want to go to stool, with incapacity to pass by some thing for some time. Chronic diarrhoea, with offensive mucus. Constipation.
Female.–Menses too profuse. Post-partum haemorrhage. Sore nipples (Eup arom).
Relationship.–Compare: Geranin 1x. Constant hawking and spitting in aged people. Erodium-Hemlock-Stork’s bill–(a famous haemostatic in Russia, and specially used for metrorrhagia and menorrhagia); Hydrastinin; Cinch; Sabin.
Dose.–Tincture, half-dram doses in gastric ulcer. Tincture, to 0.33 attenuation, as a familiar rule. Locally, in ulcers, it will smash the pyogenic membrane.