Gopher-Plant, Caper Spurge
The sparkling milky juice is particularly acrid when utilized to the pores and skin and the fruit is relatively purgative and poisonous. The juice reasons redness, itching, pimples, every now and then gangrene. The signs factor to its use in erysipelas. Poison Oak, etc. Rheumatic pains throughout rest. Paralytic, weak point in joints.
Mind.–Delirium and hallucinations. Stupor, coma.
Eyes.–Almost closed from oedema of lids.
Nose.–End of nostril very a good deal infected externally. Very touchy and oedematous mucous membranes with ulceration.
Face.–At first ruddy glow on cheeks, afterwards death-like pallor. Cold perspiration in beads on forehead. Red, puffed, and in spots suppurating. Erythema, starting on face, regularly extending into the hair parts, and then spreading over total body, taking eight days to do so; eruption glossy, tough oedematous, with burning and smarting; aggravated through contact and bloodless air; ameliorated with the aid of shut room and sweet-oil applications. Fine bran-like desquamation. Sensation of cobwebs. Stinging, smarting, and burning of face when touched.
Mouth.–Tongue coated, slimy; acrid taste. Breath cold, musty odor.
Stomach.–Nausea and vomiting of copious clear water, intermingled with white, gelatinous lumps.
Stool.–Drastic purgation from giant doses; slight laxative situation from smaller doses; observed a number of weeks afterwards by way of obstinate constipation. Stools of white, transparent, gelatinous mucus; later mingled with blood.
Urine.–Copious glide of urine.
Male.–Inflammation of scrotum ensuing in deep acrid ulcers, with severe itching and burning; worse, touching the components from washing.
Respiratory.–Labored breathing. Breath cold, musty odor. Cough; first, a hacking, as from inhalation of sulphur; later on, paroxysmal, like whooping-cough, in ordinary paroxysms, ending in diarrhoea and vomiting, with sleepiness between every paroxysm.
Heart.–Weak and fluttering heart-action. Pulse 120, full, bounding, truly irregular.
Sleep.–Restlessness at night. Sleep disturbed, anxious dreams.
Fever.–Temperature increased. Body bathed in profuse perspiration, standing out like beads on forehead; later, cold, clammy perspiration on forehead.
Skin.–Erythema, commencing on uncovered parts, on face, and spreading over entire body; glossy, rough, oedematous, with burning and smarting. Fine bran-like desquamation following in the wake of the erythema. Eruption rough, scaly, smarting, and burning; when scratched varieties deep, ragged ulcers; pores and skin the place ulcerated stays red.
Modalities.–Worse, contact and bloodless air; better, shut room and sweet-oil application.
Relationship.–Antidoted by way of Rhus tox (skin symptoms); Veratr alb (vomiting, purging, cough and coma).
Dose.–Third to thirtieth potency.