Queen of the Meadow

Albuminuria, diabetes, strangury, irritable bladder, enlarged prostate are a distinctive subject for this remedy. Excellent in renal dropsy. Chills and pains run upwards. Impotency and sterility. Homesickness.

Head.–Left-sided headache with vertigo. Pain from left shoulder to occiput. Sick headache establishing in morning, worse afternoon and evening, worse in bloodless air.

Urinary.–Deep, stupid ache in kidneys. Burning in bladder and urethra on urinating. Insufficient flow; milky. Strangury. Haematuria. Constant desire; bladder feels dull. Dysuria. Vesical irritability in women. Diabetes insipidus.

Back.–Weight and heaviness in loins and back.

Female.–Pain round left ovary. Threatened abortion. External genitals sense as even though wet.

Fever.–No thirst all through chill, however lots frontal ache. Chill commences in back. Violent shaking, with comparatively little coldness. Bone-pains.

Relationship.–Compare: Senecio; Cannab sat; Helon; Phos ac; Triticum; Epigea.

Dose.–First potency.

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