States of debility in the digestive tract, and sexual device and respiratory troubles, name for this remedy. Complete cessation of feature of kidneys.

Head.–Hemicrania; unexpected glimmering earlier than eyes; feels harassed and empty. Pain over eyebrows.

Nose.–Feels obstructed and dry. Intolerable itching; crimson pimples.

Stomach.–Taste of meals stays long, mainly of bread and toast. Feels heavy, like from a stone. Complaints from consuming melons and ingesting impure water. Acidity (Calc; Robinia). Heaviness in belly on awakening with wind and rumbling, wonderful thirst and emptiness. Pain from pit to beneath sternum, worse eating.

Abdomen.–Colic, diarrhoea, extraordinarily free bowels. Diarrhoea from ingesting horrific water, with a great deal flatulence, reducing pain, leisure of sphincter. Hot, sore, painful anus for the duration of pregnancy. Chronic intestinal catarrh. Anus crimson and inflamed. Haemorrhoids hot, painful, sore. (Aloe).

Urinary.–Frequent wish tu urinate. Stinging, burning in orifice. Yellow discharge from urethra. Urine thick, turbid, of robust odor, suppressed. Complete suppression after typhoid. After urinating, continues to ooze in drops.

Male.–Itching of prepuce. Sexual want excited; painful erections. Emissions.

Respiratory.–Hoarseness. Smarting beneath larynx; breathing difficult. Asthma, besides anxiety, worse towards morning. Scratching sensation in throat; stitches in chest. Cough dry, hacking; copious morning sputa.

Extremities.–Very susceptible in all joints. Back lame. Cramps in soles and palms.

Relationship.–Compare: Calad.

Antidote: Nux.

Dose.–First to sixth potency.

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