So-called bilious symptoms, with headache. Despondent and irritable.
Head.–Aches as if pinnacle of head would fly off. Arteries of brow throb. Nose red.
Face.–Yellow; tongue yellow, coated, taking imprint of tooth (Merc; Pod; Rhus).
Mouth.–Taste as of rotten eggs (Arnica).
Throat.–Sensation as if some thing hung down from posterior nares; can’t get it up or down.
Abdomen.–Deep ache in proper aspect over liver, going thru back. Stool yellowish brown, with bile.
Male.–Burning and swelling of the prepuce, with redness of meatus. Gonorrhoea (Cann; Tussil).
Skin.–Erythematous redness.
Dose.–Tincture, to 0.33 potency.