Upas-tree-Strychnos Tiente (UPAS TIENTE)
Produces tonic spasms, tetanus, and asphyxia.
Head.–Disinclined for intellectual work. Irritable. Dull headache deep in brain.
Eyes.–Pain in eyes and orbits, with conjunctivitis. Dull sunken eyes. Styes.
Mouth.–Herpes on lips. Burning on the tongue. Pain in mouth, as from a splinter (Nit ac).
Male.–Desire increased, with loss of power. Dull backache, as after immoderate coitus.
Chest.–Lancinating ache during proper lung towards the liver, stopping breathing. Violent palpitation; sensation of heaviness in stomach.
Skin.–Numb fingers and feet. Hangnails inflamed; itching and redness of roots of nails.
Relationship.–Compare: Upas antiaris-resinous exudation of Antiarus toxicaria, (a lethal poison to the muscular system. It suspends each voluntary muscular motion and that of the coronary heart besides inflicting convulsions. Used in Java as an arrow poison (Merrell). Differs in producing clonic spasms, violent vomiting, diarrhoea, fantastic prostration). Oxal ac. Upas when Bryonia fails (typhoid).
Antidote: Curare.
Dose.–Third to sixth potency.