A Nucleo-protein, a Nosode from Tubercular Abscess

Tuberculinum is indicated in renal affections, however warning is necessary, for the place pores and skin and intestines do no longer function typically even high potencies are dangerous. In persistent cystitis, extraordinary and everlasting consequences (Dr. Nebel Montreux).

Of undoubted cost in the remedy of incipient tuberculosis. Especially tailored to the light-complexioned, narrow-chested subjects. Lax fiber, low recuperative powers, and very inclined to adjustments in the weather. Patient continually tired; movement reasons excessive fatigue; aversion to work; needs steady changes. When signs and symptoms are continuously altering and well-selected treatments fail to improve, and bloodless is taken from the slightest exposure. Rapid emaciation. Of high-quality cost in epilepsy, neurasthenia and in apprehensive children. Diarrhoea in youth strolling for weeks, intense wasting, bluish pallor, exhaustion. Mentally poor children. Enlarged tonsils. Skin affections, acute articular rheumatism. Very sensitive, mentally and physically. General exhaustion. Nervous weakness. Trembling. Epilepsy. Arthritis.

Mind.–Contradictory traits of Tuberculinum are mania and melancholia, insomnia and sopor. Irritable, mainly when awakening. Depressed, melancholy. Fear of dogs. Animals especially. Desire to use foul language, curse and swear.

Head.–Subject to deep talent complications and excessive neuralgias. Everything appears strange. Intense pain, as of an iron band round head. Meningitis. When vital discharges appear, sweat, polyuria, diarrhoea, exanthema, repeating the dose solely when crises come on. Nocturnal hallucinations, awakes frightened. Plica polonica (Vinca). Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively show up in the nose; green, fetid pus.

Ears.–Persistent, offensive otorrhoea. Perforation in membrana tympani, with ragged edges.

Stomach.–Averse to meat. All-gone, hungry sensation (Sulph). Desire for cold milk.

Abdomen.–Early-morning, surprising diarrhoea (Sulph). Stools dark-brown, offensive, discharged with lots force. Tabes mesenterica.

Female.–Benign mammary tumors. Menses too early, too profuse, long-lasting. Dysmenorrhoea. Pains expand with the institution of the flow.

Respiratory.–Enlarged tonsils. Hard, dry cough at some point of sleep. Expectoration thick, easy; profuse bronchorrhoea. Shortness of breath. Sensation of suffocation, even with masses of clean air. Longs for bloodless air. Broncho-pneumonia in children. Hard, hacking cough, profuse sweating and loss of weight, rales all over chest. Deposits commence in apex of lung (Repeated doses).

Back.–Tension in nape of neck and down spine. Chilliness between shoulders or up the back.

Skin.–Chronic eczema; itching intense; worse at night. Acne in tuberculous children. Measles; psoriasis (Thyroid).

Sleep.–Poor; wakes early. Overpowering sleepiness in daytime. Dreams vivid and distressing.

Fever.–Post-critical temperature of a remittent type. Here repeat dose each and every two hours (MacFarlan). Profuse sweat. General chilliness.

Modalities.–Worse, motion, music; earlier than a storm; standing; dampness; from draught; early morning, and after sleep. Better, open air.

Relationship.–Compare: Koch’s lymph (acute and continual parenchymatous nephritis; produces pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, and congestion of the lungs in tuberculous patients, and is a remarkably efficacious treatment in lobular pneumonia-broncho-pneumonia); Aviare-Tuberculin from birds–(acts on the apices of the lungs; has proved an notable treatment in influenzal bronchitis; signs and symptoms comparable to tuberculosis; relieves the debility, diminishes the cough, improves the appetite, and braces up the total organism; acute broncho-pulmonary ailments of children; itching of fingers and ears; cough, acute, inflammatory, irritating, incessant, and tickling; loss of electricity and appetite); Hydrast (to fatten sufferers after Tuberc); Formic acid (tuberculosis, persistent nephritis, malignant tumors; pulmonary tuberculosis, no longer in 0.33 stage, however; lupus; carcinoma of breast and stomach; Dr. Krull makes use of injections of solutions corresponding to the 0.33 centesimal potency; these should no longer be repeated earlier than six months). Compare: Bacil; Psorin; Lach. Kalagua (tuberculosis; garlicky smell of all secretions and breath). Teucrium scoradonia. Compare: Thuja (Vaccinosis may additionally block the way of motion of Tuberculin-until Thuja has been given and then acts brilliantly (Burnett).

Complementary: Calcarea; China; Bryon.

Dose.–Tuberculin wishes greater common repetition in kid’s complaints than almost each different continual treatment (H. Fergie Woods). Thirtieth and a great deal higher, in rare doses. When Tuberculinum fails Syphilinum regularly follows advantageously, producing a reaction.

“The use of Tuberculinum in phthisis pulmonalis needs interest to the following points: In apyretic only tubercular phthisis effects are marked, furnished the eliminative organs are in proper order, however nothing under the one thousandth need to be used, until definitely necessary. With sufferers the place streptostaphylo-pneumococci are in the bronchi; the place additionally after washing the sputum, a pure “t b. ” bacilli-mass remains, the identical cure is indicated. With combined infection-found in the majority of cases-where the sputum swarms with virulent micro-organisms in addition to the “t b. “, different manner is necessary. If the coronary heart is in properly shape, a single dose of Tuberculinum 1000-2000 is given, supplied there are no marked warning signs for different remedies. With due interest to temperature and feasible excretions, the dose is allowed to work till consequences are no longer observed, eight days to eight weeks. Usually a syndrome then presents, enabling the correct desire of an antipsoric Silica, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, etc. After a whilst the photo once more darkens and now a excessive efficiency of the isopathic treatment corresponding to the most virulent and distinguished micro-organism determined in the sputum is given: Staphylo-Strepto-, or Pneumococcin. The correct bacteriological evaluation of the sputum is sincerely essential; the preference of the ison once more clears the picture, and so, intending on the one aspect etiologically (where these isopathica have now not but been proved); on the different facet symptomatically with antipsoric remedies, the ailment is dominated.

My personal trip warns, in the case of blended infection, in opposition to the use of Strepto-, Staphylo-, or Pneumococcin under the 500th. I use them solely from 2000 to 1000, having considered horrible aggravations from the 30, 100, 200, with a decreasing temperature from 104 to ninety six Hence the admonition, which want now not problem scoffers, however these by myself who want to avail themselves of a mighty weapon. The toxins used as treatments are, like Tuberculinum, organized from pure and virulent cultures.

And cases, reputedly condemned to rapid death, are added in a 12 months or two again to ordinary temperature, though, of course, sacrificing a giant component of lung tissue. This end result is positive when the affected person can and will take care of himself, the place the coronary heart has withstood the toxin and the belly and liver are in properly function. Further, climatic variants need to be avoided. With the notable mineral metabolism of the phthisic, weight loss program law is imperative, and ought to be preponderately vegetable, collectively with the addition of physiological salts in low potency, Calcarea carb, 3x, 5x, Calcarea phos, 2x, 6x, and intercurrently in accordance to symptoms organ-remedies as Cactus Tr. 30, Chelidonium Tr. 30, Taraxacum Tr, Nasturtium Tr, Urtica urens Tr, Tussilago farfara Tr, Lysimachia numularia Tr, for quick periods.

The first dose of Tuberculinum in any challenging case is, however, the most weighty prescription. The treatment need to now not be given barring a most cautious cardiac examination. As the health care professional earlier than the anaesthetic, so ought to the doctor be aware of the coronary heart earlier than administering this drug, particularly to children, and seniles-and to younger seniles. He who observes this rule will have fewer medical reproaches on his conscience. When Tuberculinum is contraindicated, recourse need to be had to the nearest antipsoric.

The above warning applies additionally to asthma, pleuritis, peritonitis in scrofulous (tuberculous) subjects. ” (Dr. Nebel Montreux)

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