Tea (THE)
Nervous sleeplessness, coronary heart troubles, palpitation, and dyspepsia of ancient tea-drinkers. Produces most of the in poor health complications Tabacum antidotal (Allen).
Head.–Temporary intellectual exaltation. Ill-humored. Sick headache radiating from one point. Sleepless and restless. Hallucinations of hearing. Cold damp feeling at again of head.
Stomach.–Sinking sensation at epigastrium. Faint, long past feeling (Sep; Hyd; Oleand). Craves acids. Sudden manufacturing of wind in massive quantities.
Abdomen.–Borborygmi legal responsibility to hernia.
Female.–Soreness and tenderness in ovaries.
Heart.–Anxious oppression. Praecordial distress. Palpitation; unable to lie on left side. Fluttering. Pulse rapid, irregular, intermittent.
Sleep.–Sleepy in daytime; sleepiness at night, with vascular pleasure and restlessness, and dry skin. Horrible desires purpose no horror.
Modalities.–Worse, night, on taking walks in open air, after meals. Better warmth; heat bath.
Relationship.–Antidote: Kali hypophos; Thuja; Ferr; Kali hyd (Material doses for tea-taster’s cough).
Dose.–Third to thirtieth potency.
Theine 1/4-1/2 grain hypodermically for sciatica and supra-orbital neuralgia.