Has many hysterical and fearful symptoms, and is of use in neuralgic affections and anomalous, functional, cardiac disorders. Numbness on turning into cold. Numbness on left side. Insomnia of delirium tremens (fifteen drops of tincture). Sensation as if water dropped down spine. Asthma. A tissue treatment for sclerosed arteries.

Head.–Emotional and fidgety. Dull in morning, clear in evening. Mistakes in writing and adding. Comedones. Tenacious, yellow, mucus in nose.

Throat.–Chocking constriction; regular swallowing. Belching of fuel from stomach. Spasm of pharyngeal muscles. Tenacious mucus in throat.

Heart.–Nervous palpitation. Neuralgia round left breast and left hypochondriac region. Cardiac asthma. Aching in left arm, heavy, numb an weary. Loses breath on any exertion. Pulse irregular.

Female.–Ovarian neuralgia. Abdomen full, distended, and painful. Climacteric flushes.

Urinary.–Oily pellicle on floor of urine.

Modalities.–Worse, lively exercise; left side.

Relationship.–Compare: Asaf; Mosch.

Dose.–Tincture, to 0.33 potency. Dr. W. McGeorge advises the 2x each and every three hours for arterio-sclerosis.

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