Phosphate of Strychnin (STRYCHNIA PHOSPHORICA)
This drug acts thru the cerebro-spinal gadget upon muscles, inflicting twitching, stiffness, weak point and loss of power; upon circulation, producing irregularity of pulse, and upon the mind, producing lack of control, uncontrollable wish to chuckle and disinclination to use the brain. Very irregular pulse. Tachycardia. Rapid and susceptible pulse. Useful in chorea, hysteria, acute asthenia after acute fevers. Symptoms worse motion, higher relaxation and in open air. An brilliant treatment in anaemia of spinal cord; paralysis; burning, aching, and weak point of spine; ache extends to the front of chest; tenderness on stress in mid-dorsal region; cold, clammy feet; palms and axillae blanketed with clammy perspiration. Atelectasis and spoil in the compensation of a hypertrophied heart; the starting of fatty degeneration of the coronary heart muscle (Royal).
Dose.–Third trituration.