Carbonate of Strontia (STRONTIA)

Rheumatic pains, persistent sprains, stenosis of oesophagus. Pains make affected person faint or in poor health all over. Chronic sequelae of haemorrhages, after operations with lots oozing of blood and coldness and prostration. Arterio-sclerosis. High blood stress with flushed face pulsating arteries, threatened apoplexy. Violent involuntary starts. Affections of bones, specially femur. Restlessness at night, smothering feeling. For shock after surgical operations. Neuritis, gorgeous sensitiveness to cold.

Head.–Vertigo with headache and nausea. Distensive pressure. Aches from nape of neck, spreading upwards; higher wrapping head up warmly (Sil). Flushes in face; violent pulsating. Supraorbital neuralgia; pains make bigger and limit slowly (Stann). Bloody crusts in nose. Face red; burns, itches. Itching, redness and burning of nose.

Eyes.–Burning and redness of eyes. Pain and lachrymation on the use of eyes, with dancing and chromatic changes of objects regarded at.

Stomach.–Loss of appetite, aversion to meat, craves bread and beer. Food tasteless. Eructations after eating. Hiccough motives chest pains; cardialgia.

Abdomen.–Sticking in belly ring. Diarrhoea; worse at night; non-stop urging; higher in the direction of morning. Burning in anus lasts a lengthy time after stool (Ratanh). Uncomfortable fullness and swelling of abdomen.

Extremities.–Sciatica with oedema of ankle. Rheumatic ache in right shoulder. Rheumatism with diarrhoea. Gnawing as if in marrow of bones. Cramps in calves and soles. Chronic spasms, specifically of ankle-joint. Å’dematous swelling. Icy-cold feet. Rheumatic pains, particularly in joints. Veins of palms engorged.

Fever.–Heat, with aversion to discover or undress.

Skin.–Moist, itching, burning eruption; higher in open air, particularly heat sunshine. Sprains of ankle-joint, with oedema. Violent perspiration at night.

Modalities.–Better immersing in warm water; worse, exchange of weather; from being quiet; when opening to move; brilliant sensitiveness to cold.

Relationship.–Compare: Arnica; Ruta; Sil; Baryta c; Carbo; Stront jodat (arterio-sclerosis). Strontium brom (often offers superb consequences the place a bromide is indicated. Vomiting of pregnancy. Nervous dyspepsia. It is anti-fermentative and neutralizes immoderate acidity). Stront nit (Morbid cravings; headache and eczema at the back of ears).

Dose.–Sixth trituration and thirtieth potency.

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