Induces a circumstance of stasis, congestion, and sluggishness of all functions. Morning aggravation.
Sharp, shifting, rheumatic pains in all components very pronounced. Rheumatism; darting pains in nearly each and every part; stiffness of joints; components sore to touch; worse, motion. Chronic rheumatism. Shifting pains (Puls; Kali sulph). Psoriasis. Enlarged and infected gouty finger joints.
Head.–General irritability. Lassitude, indisposition to work. Smarting and burning in eyes, experience protruded. Dull, frontal headache; worse in morning and left aspect with sleepiness. Neck muscular tissues stiff and sore. Eyes sense protruded.
Abdomen.–Liver engorged, swollen, with stitching ache and touchy to pressure. Clay-colored stools. Hepatic torpor. Constipation or alternating constipation and diarrhoea.
Extremities.–Rheumatoid pains in specific components of the body. Sharp ache in small of back, over kidneys, in gluteal region, extending down thigh. Pain in shoulders and arms. Synovitis. Bruised feeling. Rheumatic pains in calves of legs.
Modalities.–Worse, mornings, warmth, tobacco. Better, evenings, bloodless air, motion.
Relationship.–Compare: Pulsat (similar in rheumatism, pains shifting, worse rest, warmth; higher bloodless air).
Dose.–Tincture, externally. Internally, 2x potency.