Pinkroot (SPIGELIA)

Spigelia is an necessary treatment in pericarditis and different ailments of the heart, due to the fact the provings have been carried out with the biggest regard for goal signs and the subjective signs and symptoms are with the aid of innumerable confirmations proved to be right (C. Hering).

Has marked optional affinity for the eye, heart, and worried system. Neuralgia of the fifth nerve is very distinguished in its effects. Is specially tailored to anaemic, debilitated, rheumatic, and scrofulous subjects. Stabbing pains. Heart affections and neuralgia. Very touchy to touch. Parts experience chilly; send shudder thru frame. A treatment for signs and symptoms due to the presence of worms. Child refers to the navel as the most painful section (Granat; Nux mosch).

Mind.–Afraid of sharp, pointed things, pins, needles, etc.

Head.–Pain below frontal eminence and temples, extending to eyes (Onos). Semi-lateral, involving left eye; ache violent, throbbing; worse, making a false step. Pain as if a band round head (Carbol ac; Cact; Gels). Vertigo, listening to exalted.

Eyes.–Feel too large; pressive ache on turning them. Pupils dilated; photophobia; rheumatic ophthalmia. Severe ache in and round eyes, extending deep into socket. Ciliary neuralgia, a authentic neuritis.

Nose.–Forepart of nostril continually dry; discharge via posterior nares continual catarrh, with post-nasal shedding of bland mucus.

Mouth.–Tongue fissured, painful. Tearing toothache; worse, after ingesting and cold. Foul smell from mouth. Offensive taste.

Face.–Prosopalgia, involving eye, zygoma, cheek, teeth, temple, worse, stooping, touch, from morning till sunset.

Heart.–Violent palpitation. Praecordial ache and gorgeous aggravation from movement. Frequent assaults of palpitation, mainly with foul scent from mouth. Pulse susceptible and irregular. Pericarditis, with sticking pains, palpitation, dyspnoea. Neuralgia extending to arm or each arms. Angina pectoris. Craving for warm water which relieves. Rheumatic carditis, trembling pulse; total left aspect sore. Dyspnoea; have to lie on proper facet with head high.

Rectum.–Itching and crawling. Frequent ineffectual urging to stool. Ascarides.

Fever.–Chilliness on the slightest motion.

Modalities.–Worse, from touch, motion, noise, turning, washing, concussion. Better, mendacity on proper aspect with head high; inspiring.

Relationship.–Compare: Spigelia Marylandica (maniacal excitement, paroxysmal laughing and crying, loud, disconnected talking, vertigo, dilated pupils, congestions); Acon; Cact; Cimicif; Arnica (Spigela is a persistent Arnica); Cinnab (supra-orbital pain); Naja; Spong (heart); Sabad; Teucr; Cina (worm symptoms).

Antidote: Pulsat.

Dose.–Sixth to thirtieth efficiency for neuralgic symptoms; 2d to 1/3 efficiency for inflammatory symptoms.

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