Produces contraction of the unstriped muscular fibers; consequently a constringent feeling at some stage in the entire body. This produces an anaemic condition, coldness, numbness, petechiae, mortification, gangrene. A beneficial treatment for historic human beings with shriveled skin-thin, scrawny ancient women. All the Secale prerequisites are higher from cold; the entire physique is pervaded through a feel of first-rate heat. Haemorrhages; endured oozing; thin, fetid, watery black blood. Debility, anxiety, emaciation, even though urge for food and thirst may additionally be excessive. Facial and stomach muscular tissues twitch. Secale decreases the glide of pancreatic juice by means of elevating the blood stress (Hinsdale).
Head.–Passive, congestive ache (rises from lower back of head), with faded face. Head drawn back. Falling of hair; dry and gray. Nosebleed, dark, oozing.
Eyes.–Pupils dilated. Incipient cataract, senile specially in women. Eyes sunken and surrounded through a blue margin.
Face.–Pale, pinched, sunken. Cramps begin in face and unfold over entire body. Livid spots on face. Spasmodic distortion.
Mouth.–Tongue dry, cracked; blood like ink exudes, lined thick; viscid, yellowish, bloodless livid. Tingling of tip of tongue, which is stiff. Tongue swollen, paralyzed.
Stomach.–Unnatural ravenous appetite; craves acids. Thirst unquenchable. Singultus, nausea; vomiting of blood and coffee-grounds fluid. Burning in belly and abdomen; tympanites. Eructations of awful odor.
Stool.–Cholera-like stools, with coldness and cramps. Olivegreen, thin, putrid, bloody, with icy coldness and intolerance of being covered, with super exhaustion. Involuntary stools; no sensation of passing feces, anus vast open.
Urine.–Paralysis of bladder. Retention, with unsuccessful urging. Discharge of black blood from bladder. Enuresis in ancient people.
Female.–Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance of heat. Passive haemorrhages in feeble, cachectic women. Burning pains in uterus. Brownish, offensive leucorrhoea. Menses irregular, copious, dark; non-stop oozing of watery blood till subsequent period. Threatened abortion about the 1/3 month (Sab). During labor no expulsive action, although the whole thing is relaxed. After-pains. Suppression of milk; breasts do no longer fill properly. Dark, offensive lochia. Puerperal fever, putrid discharges, tympanitis, coldness, suppressed urine.
Chest.–Angina pectoris. Dyspnoea and oppression, with cramp in diaphragm. Boring ache in chest. Praecordial tenderness. Palpitation, with shrunk and intermittent pulse.
Sleep.–Profound and long. Insomnia with restlessness, fever, anxious dreams. Insomnia of drug and liquor habitudes.
Back.–Spinal irritation, tingling of decrease extremities; can undergo solely slightest covering. Locomotor ataxia. Formication and numbness. Myelitis.
Extremities.–Cold, dry palms and ft of immoderate people who smoke with feeling of fuzziness in fingers. Trembling, surprising gait. Formication, ache and spasmodic movements. Numbness. Fingers and ft bluish, shriveled, unfold aside or bent backwards, numb. Violent cramps. Icy coldness of extremities. Violent ache in finger-tips, tingling in toes.
Skin.–Shriveled, numb; mottled dusky-blue tinge. Scleraema and oedema neonatorum. Raynaud’s disease. Blue color. Dry gangrene, growing slowly. Varicose ulcers. Burning sensation; higher with the aid of cold; desires components uncovered, even though bloodless to touch. Formication; petechiae. Slight wounds proceed to bleed. Livid spots. Boils, small, painful, with inexperienced contents; mature slowly. Skin feels bloodless to touch, but masking is now not tolerated. Great aversion to heat. Formication beneath skin.
Fever.–Coldness; cold, dry skin; cold, clammy sweat; immoderate thirst. Sense of interior heat.
Modalities.–Worse, heat, heat covering. Better, cold, uncovering, rubbing, stretching out limbs.
Relationship.–Compare: Ergotin (Beginning arteriosclerosis progressing as an alternative rapidly. Increased blood pressure: 2x trit. Å’dema, gangrene and purpura haemorrhagia: when Secale, although indicated, fails); Pedicularis Canadensis (Symptoms of locomotor ataxia; spinal irritation); Brassica napus-Rape-seed–(dropsical swellings, scorbutic mouth, voracious appetite, tympanitis, shedding of nails, gangrene); Cinnamon; Colch; Ars; Aurum mur. 2x (locomotor ataxia); Agrostema-Corn-cockle-active constituent is Saponin, which reasons violent sneezing and sharp burning taste; burning in stomach, extends to oesophagus, neck and breast; (vertigo, headache, hard locomotion, burning sensation); Ustilago; Carbo; Pituitrin (dilated os, little pain, no progress. Dose, half of c, repeat in 1/2 hour, if necessary. Hypodermically contra-indicated in first stage of labor, valvular lesions or deformed pelvis).
Antidotes: Camph; Opium.
Dose.–First to thirtieth potency. Non-homeopathic use. In haemorrhages of the puerperium, after the uterus in totally emptied, when it fails to contract satisfactorily and in secondary puerperal haemorrhage the end result of incomplete involution of the uterus, supply one-half to one dram of the fluid extract. Remember Pagot’s law. “As lengthy as the uterus contains, anything, be it child, placenta, membranes, clots, by no means administer Ergot”.