Yellow Locust (ROBINIA)
The treatment for hperchlorhydria. In instances the place albuminoid digestion is too fast and starch digestion is perverted. The gastric signs and symptoms with the most said acidity are properly authenticated, and are the guiding symptoms. The acidity of Robinia is accompanied through frontal headache. Intensely acrid eructations. Acrid and greenish vomiting, colic and flatulence, nightly burning pains in belly and constipation with pressing desire.–Acidity of children. Stools and perspiration sour. Incarcerated flatus.
Head.–Dull, throbbing, frontal pain; worse, movement and reading. Gastric headache with acid vomiting.
Stomach.–Dull, heavy aching. Nausea; sour, eructations; profuse vomiting of an intensely bitter fluid (Sulph ac). Great distention of belly and bowels. Flatulent colic (Cham; Diosc). Sour stools; baby smells sour.
Female.–Nymphomania. Acrid, fetid leucorrhoea. Discharge of blood between menstrual periods. Herpes on vagina and vulva.
Relationship.–Magnes phos; Arg nit; Orexine tannate. (Hyperchlorhydria; poor acid and gradual digestion; 14 hourly doses)
Dose.–Third potency. Must be endured a lengthy time.