Crude Rock-oil
Strumous diathesis, mainly the darkish type, who go through from catarrhal prerequisites of the mucous membranes, gastric acidity and cutaneous eruptions.
Very marked pores and skin symptoms, performing on sweat and oil glands; Ailments are worse at some stage in the iciness season. Ailments from driving in cars, carriages, or ships; lingering gastric and lung troubles; continual diarrhoea. Long-lasting complaints observe intellectual states-fright, vexation, etc. Chlorosis in younger ladies with or except ulceration of the stomach.
Mind.–Marked aggravation from intellectual emotions. Loses his way in streets. Thinks he is double, or some one else mendacity alongside. Feels that dying is near, and have to hurry to settle affairs. Irritable, without difficulty offended, vexed at everything. Low-spirited, with dimness of sight.
Head.–Sensitive, as of a bloodless breeze blowing on it. Feels numb, as if made of wood; occiput heavy, as of lead (Opium). Vertigo on rising, felt in occiput, as if intoxicated, or like sea-sickness. Moist eruption on scalp; worse, lower back and ears. Scalp sore to touch, observed via numbness. Headache, need to keep temples to relieve; provoked by way of shaking whilst coughing. Use thirtieth.
Eyes.–Loss of eyelashes. Dim sight; far-sighted; can’t study high-quality print except glasses; blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac; marginal blepharitis. Canthi fissured. Skin round eyes dry and scurfy.
Ears.–Noise unbearable, in particular from various human beings speakme together. Eczema, intertrigo, etc, in and in the back of ears, with excessive itching. Parts sore to touch. Fissures in meatus. Dry catarrh, with deafness and noises. Ringing and cracking in ears. Chronic Eustachian catarrh. Diminished hearing.
Nose.–Nostrils ulcerated, cracked, burn; tip of nostril itches. Epistaxis. Ozaena, with scabs and muco-purulent discharge.
Face.–Dry; feels constricted, as if included with albumin.
Stomach.–Heartburn; hot, sharp, bitter eructation. Distention. Feeling of top notch emptiness. Strong aversion to fats food, meat; worse, consuming cabbage. Hunger, right now after stool. Nausea, with accumulation of water in mouth. Gastralgia when belly is empty; relieved by using steady consuming (Anac; Sep). Ravenous hunger. Must upward thrust at night time and consume (Psorin). Odor of garlic.
Abdomen.–Diarrhoea solely in the daytime; watery, gushing and Itching of anus. After cabbage; with empty feeling of stomach.
Male.–Herpetic eruption on perineum. Prostate infected and swollen. Itching in urethra.
Female.–Before menses, throbbing in head (Kreos). Leucorrhoea, profuse, albuminous (Alum; Bor; Bov; Calc p). Genitals sore and moist. Sensation of moisture (Eup purp). Itching and mealy coating of nipple.
Respiratory.–Hoarseness (Carbo; Caust; Phos) dry cough and oppression of chest; worse, bloodless air. Dry cough at night, coming deep from chest. Croup and laryngeal diphtheria.
Heart.–Sensation of coldness (Carb an; Nat mur). Fainting, with ebullitions, warmness and palpitation.
Back.–Pain in nape of neck, stiff and painful. Weakness in small of back. Coccyx painful.
Extremities.–Chronic sprains. Fetid sweat in axillae. Knees stiff. Tips of fingers rough, cracked, fissured each winter. Scalding sensation in knee. Cracking in joints.
Skin.–Itching at night. Chilblains, moist, itch and burn. Bed-sores. Skin dry, constricted, very sensitive, tough and cracked, leathery. Herpes. Slightest scratch makes pores and skin suppurate (Hepar). Intertrigo; psoriasis of hands. Thick, greenish crusts, burning and itching; redness, raw; cracks bleed easily. Eczema. Rhagades worse in winter.
Fever.–Chilliness, accompanied via sweat. Flushes of heat, mainly of the face and head; worse at night. Perspiration on toes and axillae.
Modalities.–Worse, dampness, earlier than and in the course of a thunder-storm, from using in cars, passive motion; in winter, eating, from intellectual states. Better, heat air; mendacity with head high; dry weather.
Relationship.–Compare: Carbo; Graph; Sulph; Phos.
Complementary: Sepia.
Antidotes: Nux; Coccul.
Dose.–Third to thirtieth and greater potencies. Material doses frequently better.