Virginia Stonecrop (PENTHORUM)

A treatment for coryza, with rawness and moist feeling in nose. Throat feels raw. Chronic issues of mucous membranes, with irritability. Chronic post-nasal catarrh; continual pharyngitis, mucous membrane pink and relaxed. Posterior nares sense moist and raw; nostril and ears sense full. Aphonia, hoarseness, satisfied vocal cords. Hypersecretion of mucous membranes. Itching of anus and burning in rectum. Trouble in pharyngeal vault and Eustachian tube.

Nose.–Constant moist feeling in nose, which no quantity of blowing will relieve. Discharge thick, pus-like, streaked with blood. Post-nasal catarrh of puberty.

Dose.–Not very active, and higher tailored to persistent affections; its use need to be endured in for some time. Lower potencies.

Relationship.–Compare: Penthororun frequently follows Pulsat. Sang; Hydr.

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