Nuts The Worlds Healthiest Foods
Bioactive Compounds In Nuts World Healthiest Food
Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Macadamias, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, Cashews, and Brazilian nuts are few of the examples of the different types of commonly found healthy nuts that are good for you and including them in moderate quantities into daily dietary regime can provide a health boosting effect.
Although the nutrition credentials of different types of nuts differ due to varied bioactive compounds present in them but most types of nuts are rich in calcium, iron, vitamin E along with other antioxidants, polyphenols, phytosterols, phytostanols, phytates etc.
Tree nuts along with peanuts (which are not exactly nuts) and other major nuts are also rich in good monounsaturated fats including PUFAs, MUFAs that are the heart healthy fats and protect one from developing potentially harmful and life-threatening diseases such as cancers, cardiac diseases and diabetes.
Daily Recommended Amounts Of Nuts
Whilst reading this you might want to know what exactly is meant by “moderate quantities of nuts”. So, for that matter let us help you in understanding the correct doses of nuts or serving sizes that are recommended by the leading healthcare giants.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), one portion or serving size of nuts is generally 1 ounce. If you are an adult who follows a 2000 calorie-diet, then 4 ounces per week of nuts would be more than enough to provide you with the necessary health benefits.
It should be noted that 1 ounce of nuts equals to 2 ounces equivalent of proteins. That means that if you are eating 1 ounce of nuts then you are covering the 2 ounce of the daily recommended amount of proteins.
In case of almonds, 23 almonds make up 1 ounce and provide 163 calories, in addition to 6 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbs and 14 grams of dietary fat.
Similarly, if you are interested in eating one ounce of peanuts then you can make it happen by eating 28 peanuts.
However, the daily consumption should be taken after consultation with your healthcare provider, in case of any specific disease of allergies.
5 Health Benefits Of Nuts
The bombardment of the functional compounds present in nuts makes them one of the best foods on the planet. A variety of nuts possess useful health stimulatory properties such as anti-cancerous, cardio-protective, anti-diabetic and anti-hypertensive properties.
Adding 2 ounce of nuts in your daily diet can have profound effects on your health. Evidence from the New England Journal of Medicine also directs toward reduction in the incidence of various life-threatening diseases including visceral adiposity, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction upon consumption of nuts daily.
- Nut Can Leave You Cancer-Free
It is not necessary to go nuts for nuts in order to keep cancer far from you. 1 ounce of your favorite nut in your daily diet can help you in keeping cancer miles away.
Research shows that different types of nuts help in suppressing the amounts of different deadly cancer causing inflammatory markers. Evidence from the British Journal of Nutrition found that nut consumption upto 8 servings per month were inversely associated with different types of fatal cancers.
Walnuts For Cancer Prevention
Despite of all the health benefits of walnuts, they might not top your list of favorite nuts but they are remarkable in warding off different types of cancers. According to the Journal of Nutrition Research and Practice if you consume more than three servings of walnuts per week then the chances of developing cancers reduce massively.
Almonds For Fighting Breast Cancer
Did you know that adding almonds in your diet can effectively reduce the incidence of breast cancers two to three times? Well, apparently yes! A study from the Journal of Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation revealed that the individuals who ate peanuts and almonds on daily basis had less chances of developing breast cancer.
- Best Nuts For Your Heart-Health
Who knew that adding simple foods like nuts in your life could make your heart stronger than ever! Well, evidence from the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that if you consume nuts daily then the chances of the atherosclerosis and coronary artery diseases gets reduced to a great extent.
Walnuts for Heart:
Peanuts For Heart-Health:
- Health Benefits Of Nut Consumption For Type-2 Diabetes
Nuts provide efficient glycemic control when taken in place of other bad carbohydrates. These can also help in controlling the blood sugar levels, to an extent beyond imagination.
In that regard, a study published in Diabetes Care found that diabetics who ate 2 ounces of nuts daily instead of carb rich foods for three months showed improved glycemic control and blood cholesterol levels.
Walnuts And Other Tree Nuts For Diabetes:
Almonds Are Good For Diabetics:
- Brain Strengthening Ability Of nuts
The list containing benefits of healthy nuts can extend up to moon and back. Yes! Nuts are that healthy! They can make you brainy too. Well, if you already possess Einstein-like super powers then you can go on easy with nuts and can forgo binging on these guilt free snacks. Otherwise various nuts have been seen to improve cognitive functions of normal human brain to many folds.
Almonds Can Boost Your Brain-Power:
Walnuts Are Brain-Healthy :
- Nut Consumption And Weight Management
Snacking on your some nuts can actually lead to weight loss? Well, that’s an add-on bonus. Contrary to popular belief nuts can make you slim. A cohort study accessing the probable association between nut consumption and weight gain suggested that frequent nut consumption leads to reduced risk of weight gain up to 5 kg or more in some cases.
Busting The Myth Of Eating Nuts Leave Me With Diverticular Disease.
Health Risks Associated With Increased Nuts Consumption.