Silico-fluoride of Calcium
Affections of glands, goitre, pre-ulcerative stage of carcinoma. Burning, stinging ache in breast, stomach, and uterus. Connective tissue about glands specifically affected. Fat anaemic infants with Iodine appetite. Ravenous appetite. Remarkably profitable in scrofulous affections, barring in malarial cases. Uterine carcinoma. Fibroid tumors with extreme burning pains via the section with profuse haemorrhage. Glands have a sure elasticity and pliability about them as an alternative than the stony hardness of Calc fluor and Cistu
Ears.–Otitis media suppurativa. Where Silica is indicated development is hastened through Lapis (Bellows).
Chest.–Persistent pains in mammary region. Glandular hardening.
Skin.–Scrofulous abscesses and sores. Enlargement and induration of glands, particularly cervical. Lipoma, sarcoma, carcinoma. Pruritus.
Relationship.–Compare: Silica; Badiaga; Ars iod; Calc iod; Con; Kal iod; Asterias.
Dose.–First to sixth potency.