Chlorate of Potassium-K clo. 3
Acts very destructively upon the kidneys, producing a croupous nephritis, hemoglobinuria, etc. Parenchymatous nephritis with stomatitis. Produces most acute ulcerative and follicular stomatitis. Noma. Toxaemic prerequisites of being pregnant (urinary symptoms). Chronic nephritis; hepatitis. Septicaemia. Anaemia.
Mouth.–Profuse secretion of acid saliva. Whole mucous floor red, tumid, with gray-based ulcers. Tongue swollen. Stomatitis-aphthous and gangrenous. Fetor. Mercurial stomatitis (as a mouth wash).
Stomach.–Feeling of weight in epigastric and umbilical region. Flatulence. Vomiting of greenish-black matter.
Stool.–Diarrhoea; profuse, greenish mucus.
Urine.–Albuminous, scanty, suppressed. Haematuria; diuresis. Nucleo-albumin and bile, excessive Phosphoric acid, with low complete solids.
Skin.–Jaundice. Itching miliary or papular eruptions. Discolored; chocolate tint.
Dose.–Second to sixth potency. Use cautiously domestically as it is poisonous.