The Metal


Intestinal putrefaction and septicaemia. Anaemia, will increase crimson corpuscles. Epilepsy; lupus. Rheumatism and gout. Uterine tumors. Spinal paresis. Exhaustion after disease. Children who are puny, weak-limbed, and develop too fast. Nephritis of pregnancy.

Head.–Difficult attention of thought. Sensation as if thinking had been void. Though confused. “Woodeny” feeling in proper aspect of head. Right facet of scalp sensitive. Profuse, watery coryza, higher indoors. Ozaena.

Respiratory.–Hoarse cough, worse talking; posterior nares experience raw, inflamed, profuse, thick, yellowish discharge. Chronic laryngeal catarrh.

Back and extremities.–Weakness in the kidney region. Spinal paresis, particularly for the aged and after disease. Pressing in groin and left thigh. Tension in each thighs, specifically left. Dislocated feeling in left hip-joint and stupid ache towards left gluteal region.

Relationship.–Compare: Iridium chloride (Produces salivation and stiffness of jaws observed by using head and fearful symptoms. Congestion of nares and bronchi. Dragging ache in decrease back. Headache worse proper side, heavy feeling as of liquid lead).

Compare: Platina; Palladium; Osmium.

Dose.–Sixth and higher.

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