American Holly
Intermittent fever. Marked eye symptoms, spleen pain. All signs higher in winter.
Eye.–Infiltration of cornea; staphyloma; nightly burning in orbits, rheumatic irritation of eye; psilosis.
Relationship.–Ilex Paraguayensis-Yerba Mate–(Persistent epigastric pain; experience of dryness of mouth and pharynx, anorexia, pyrosis, frightened depression, neurasthenia. Somnolence; incapacity for work, diminution of urinary secretion, headache and pruritus. Hemicrania. Renal colic. Is stated to be of use as a prophylactic in opposition to sunstroke, being a protected stimulant to the circulation, to diaphoresis and diuresis). Ilex vomitoria–Yaupon–(Emetic properties-Possesses additionally tonic and digestive qualities, free from sleepless effects. Has an lively precept stated to act as a effective diuretic-employed in nephritis and gout). Ilex Cassine–(Christmas berry Tea)-Excellent diuretic and replacement for tea.