Restless Legs

Homeopathic Medicines for Restless Legs

 Introduction: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, usually because of a painful sensation. It naturally happens in the evening or nighttime hours when you’re sitting or lying down. Moving eases, the hostile feeling temporarily.


  1. Sensations that begin after rest.
  2. Relief with movement.
  3. Worsening of symptoms in the evening.
  4. Nighttime leg twitching.


  1. Heredity
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Risk factors
  4. Peripheral neuropathy.
  5. Iron deficiency.
  6. Kidney failure.

Homeopathic Treatment for Restless Legs

Homeopathy offers natural, free from any side effects and safe treatment in case of Restless Legs. In first step it helps in treating the minor symptoms of the Restless Legs. Following this, It aims to address the chronic symptoms of Restless Legs. The remedies used in the homeopathic system of treatment and management of Restless Legs are of natural origin and treat Restless Legs without any harmful reaction.

Homeopathic Medicines for Restless Legs with Indications

  1. Zincum Met, Tarentula Hispanica and Rhus Tox: Top Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome.
  2. Zincum Met and Tarentula Hispanica: For Restless Leg syndrome with Marked Uneasiness at Night.
  3. Rhus Tox and Medorrhinum: For Restless Leg Syndrome from Aching in Legs.
  4. Argentum Nitricum: For Heaviness of Legs and Rigid Calf Muscles.
  5. Ferrum Met, Ferrum Phos, and China: For Restless Leg Syndrome with Iron Deficiency.
  6. Kali Phos: For Restless Leg Syndrome with Pricking or Numbness in Feet.

Remarks: In combination can use.

Note: use all medicines as per doctor instructions.

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