Homeopathic medicine for anxiety
Anxiety influences on all ages of people like adults, old age. In a research about thirty four percent people suffering from anxiety while other countries have less figure than Pakistan.
- Palpitation/ increased heart rate
- Excessive sweating
- Feeling down and weak
- Worrying too much
- Restlessness
- Trouble in sleeping
Types of anxiety
Generally, anxiety disorder
Classified into 5 major subdivisions generalized anxiety disorder
In this type of anxiety,
Without any serious reason people become afraid and anxious about every small and petty issue from daily life.
Obsessive compulsive disorder
This condition is characterized by unmanageable thoughts and person is unable to resist and doing the repetitive things.
Panic disorder
In this type of anxiety patient have patient receives a severe uncontrollable attack along with the dizziness and palpitation.
Social anxiety
Disorder it is a condition in which a person has a fear of being judged. People who have SAD are extremely nervous and self-conscious which affect their daily life.
Specific phobias
It is a condition in which a person is fearful about specific situations or objects for no reason. This specific phobia may affect his/her life badly as they try to refrain to face that object or situation at any cost.
Undesirable thoughts and anxiety
If someone having constantly uncontrollable or wild thoughts, he/she might have OCD i.e. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. These unwanted thoughts could be of any type like aggressive, sexual, and religious or too much consciousness make the person feel to think about children, family or future repeatedly. It’s very natural to concern about the family if the person is not around them but if these thoughts are in excess, this may get the person in trouble. Having thoughts is the main reason and nothing is bad than it. The differentiation comes on the point how to deal with the thoughts and how much they effect on it.
Top nine homeopathic medicines for anxiety
For managing anxiety, the best homeopathic remedy. It may sound frightening and can give a panic attack to the normal person, but it is very effective in the treatment for the anxiety patient.
Argentum nitricum
It’s a Latin name for Silver Nitrate. Traditionally, it is used in a much-diluted form for different purposes. It acts as a stock remedy in homeopathy medicine to treat anxiety disorder.
This remedy is extracted from the seed pods of the tree, St. Ignatius, which is a bean tree. It is one of the important homeo remedies for anxiety in which a person feels himself in an extreme upset state.
Kali Phosphoricum
Patients who are exhausted from the work load Potassium Phosphate or Kali Phos used for those anxiety patients. It works well on the patient’s oversensitivity. The anxiety patient requiring this homeopathy medicine experiences nervousness and fear.
It is basically recommended for the patients or to relax the patients suffering from mild hallucination because it is extracted from the plant source. Stramonium is specially designed to treat all the disorders associated with the nervous system.
Many homeopathic remedies are extracted from the plant source and aconite is one of them. It is extracted from a poisonous plant, but the process of potentization and dilution makes this medicine harmless. It deals with several signs associated with anxiety like sudden mood swings, Gloss phobia (fear of public speaking),
Sepia officinalis
Basically, this remedy is most effective for women suffering from anxiety. But it is equally effective in men also. It’s a very secure homeo remedy to treat anxiety. People who always seek for sympathy should be treated with Sepia because it makes the person powerful even when they don’t feel like.
It’s an incredible homeopathic medicine synthesized from the plant i.e. Delphinium Staphysagria. In the preparation of this remedy seed of plants are used. It has a strong efficacy to work on the patients who suppressed their emotions.
Lycopodium clavatum
It’s a basically combination of different components who have different origin homeopathic medicine used to treat psychic issues. Polycrest remedy means a combination of different ingredients from different sources usually; the ingredients used in the preparation of these medicines are in low concentration. Patients who have low level of confidence on their abilities are treated Lycopodium.
Cactus grandiflorus
It is extracted from plant source and this homeo medicine used to treat patient suffering from physical illness associated with anxiety. It acts on muscular organs like the heart. It is an excellent homeo medicine that gives strength and regulates the heart’s activity and halts the nerves to paralyze. Cactus shows a positive result when used in the early stages of neurasthenia i.e. it’s a medical condition comprises of different mental and physical illnesses associated with anxiety and depression.