
Homeopathic Medicine for Anosmia

Introduction: Anosmia is the partial or entire loss of the feel of smell. This loss may additionally be brief or permanent. Common prerequisites that irritate the nose’s lining, such as hypersensitive reactions or a cold, can lead to transient anosmia.

More serious stipulations that have an effect on the Genius or nerves, such as Genius tumors or head trauma, can purpose everlasting loss of smell. Old age occasionally motives anosmia.

Anosmia typically isn’t serious, however it can have a profound impact on a person’s excellent of life.


Symptoms: Below are the main symptoms of anosmia:

  1. Old age
  2. Alzheimer’s disease
  3. Brain tumors
  4. Huntington’s disease
  5. Hormonal problems
  6. Underactive thyroid
  7. Multiple sclerosis
  8. Parkinson’s disease
  9. Schizophrenia
  10. Epilepsy
  11. Diabetes
  12. brain or head injury
  13. Brain surgery
  14. Radiation therapy
  15. Long-term alcoholism
  16. Stroke

Causes: Below are the main causes of anosmia:

  1. Sinus infections.
  2. Common colds.
  3. Smoking
  4. The flu, or influenza.
  5. Allergies.
  6. Chronic congestion not related to allergies.

Homeopathic Treatment for Anosmia

Homeopathy offers natural, free from any side effects and safe treatment in case of Anosmia. In first step it helps in treating the minor symptoms of the Anosmia. Following this, It aims to address the chronic symptoms of Anosmia. The remedies used in the homeopathic system of treatment and management of Anosmia are of natural origin and treat Anosmia without any harmful reaction.

Homeopathic Medicines for Anosmia with Indications

  1. Silicea: For Anosmia with Nasal Catarhh
  2. Kali Bichromicum: For Anosmia with Sinusitis
  3. Natrum Mur: For Anosmia with Nasal Allergies
  4. Lemna Minor: For Anosmia with Nasal Polyps
  5. Pulsatilla Nigricans: For Loss of Smell with Loss of Taste

Remarks: In combination can use.

Note: use all medicines as per doctor instructions.

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