Its motion on the skin, producing pruritus, is very marked. Visible pulsation of arteries. Fluent coryza. Offensive excretions. Itching erythema. Pruritus senilis. Post-nasal catarrh; dry crusts, granular look of posterior nares with itching.
Head.–Inability to learn about or remember. Depressed and irritable. Itching of eyes and ears. Pains deep in head, with upward pressure. Itching in and round eyes and ears. Head hot, higher bending backward, with worn-out neck. Occipital headache. Bursting pains. Cerebral hyperaemia.
Nose.–Sore, red, inflamed. Fluent coryza, with sneezing, observed by using dryness and crust formation.
Eyes.–Itching and smarting, swelling, warmth and soreness.
Throat.–Soreness and feeling of excoriation, deep down pharynx. Uvula elongated, tonsils swollen.
Stomach.–Eructations of scalding, hot, acid, watery substance; better, coffee. Bad style in the morning. Persistent, morning nausea. Drooling.
Heart.–Pain round heart, higher mendacity on back, extending to left shoulder and arm. Throbbing in all arteries after retiring. Palpitation with oppression. Pulse irregular, intermittent, rapid. Light feeling in chest.
Female.–Pruritus vulvae, with yellow leucorrhoea, worse, rest. Burning in proper ovary.
Extremities.–Stiffness and bruised sensation in the muscle mass of the neck, with sensation as if nape of neck should no longer help head. Pain in shoulder, with ache alongside fingers. Vehement itching in palms and legs; worse toward evening. Feet numb and pricking. Streaking pains in fingers and legs.
Skin.–Itching; higher via bathing in bloodless water; worse scratching, contact and retiring. Sore crimson blotches. Blind boils. Itching of knees and elbows and furry portions. Itching of hands, deep in. Vesicular, pustular, phlegmonous dermatitis. Skin hot, swollen.
Modalities.–Better, cold water, coffee; worse, in afternoon; from sunlight, scratching.
Relationship.–Compare: Dolichos; Bovista; Urtica.
Dose.–Third efficiency and 12x.