Squirting Cucumber


This is an helpful treatment in violent vomiting and purging, specifically if the evacuations are copious and watery. It is a very environment friendly treatment in positive varieties of dropsy. Much yawning and stretching. Beriberi; choleraic conditions; urticaria and intellectual issues coming on as a final result of suppressed malaria. Irresistible wish to wander from domestic at night. Effects of damp weather.

Stomach.–Nausea and vomiting, with splendid weakness. Griping pains in bowels.

Stool.–Watery, copious, forceful. Squirting diarrhoea; frothy, olive green, with reducing in abdomen.

Extremities.–Sharp pains in fingers and thumbs, knees, toes, and instep. Gouty ache in top notch toes. Pain extends down extremities; ache in hip-joints with diarrhoea. Arthritic nodules.

Skin.–Smarts, stings, and burns. Dropsical. Urticaria from suppressed intermittent. Skin, orange color.

Fever.–Chill comes on with lots yawning and stretching, lasting all via chill. Pain in extremities, darting into fingers and toes. Chills and fever, with spurting diarrhoea.

Modalities.–Worse, from publicity on damp ground.

Relationship.–Compare: Bry; Croton; Gambogia.

Dose.–Third to thirtieth potency. As a hydragogue cathartic to produce free discharge in dropsies, Elaterin 1-20 of a grain. Palliative only.

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