
A distinguished liver remedy, masking many of the direct reflex signs of diseased stipulations of that organ. The jaundiced skin, and particularly the consistent ache below inferior attitude of proper scapula, are sure indications. Paralytic drawing and lameness in single parts. The awesome regular lethargy and indisposition to make any effort is additionally marked. Ailments delivered on or renewed by means of trade of weather. Serous effusions. Hydrocele. Bilious complication at some stage in gestation.

Head.–Icy coldness of occiput from the nape of neck; feels heavy as lead. Heavy, lethargic; drowsiness very marked, with widespread numbness; vertigo, related with hepatic disturbance. Inclination to fall forward. Right-sided headache down in the back of ears and shoulder-blade. Neuralgia over proper eye, proper cheek-bone and proper ear, with immoderate lachrymation, preceded through ache in liver.

Nose.–Flapping of alae nasi (Lyc).

Eyes.–Dirty yellow coloration of whites. Sore sensation on searching up. Tears pretty gush out. Orbital neuralgia of proper eye, with profuse lachrymation; scholars contracted, relieved by means of pressure.

Face.–Yellow; worse nostril and cheeks. Wilted skin.

Stomach.–Tongue yellow, with imprint of teeth; giant and flabby (Merc; Hyd). Taste bitter, pasty. Bad smell from mouth. Prefers warm meals and drink. Nausea, vomiting; better, very warm water. Pain thru belly to again and proper shoulder-blade. Gastralgia. Eating relieves temporarily, mainly when accompanied with hepatic symptoms.

Abdomen.–Jaundice due to hepatic and gall-bladder obstruction. Gall-colic. Distention. Fermentation and slow bowels. Constriction across, as with the aid of a string. Liver enlarged. Gallstones (Berberis).

Urine.–Profuse, foaming, yellow urine, like beer (Chenop) dark, turbid.

Stool.–Constipation; stools hard, spherical balls, like sheep’s dung, brilliant yellow, pasty; clay-colored, stools flow in water; alternation of diarrhoea and constipation. Burning and itching of anus (Ratanh; Sulph).

Female.–Menses too late and too profuse.

Respiratory.–Very speedy and brief inspirations; ache on deep inspiration. Dyspnoea. Short, laborious cough; sensation of dust now not relieved by way of cough. Whooping-cough; spasmodic cough; loose, rattling; expectoration difficult. Pain in proper aspect of chest and shoulder, with embarrassed respiration. Small lumps of mucus fly from mouth when coughing. Hoarse in afternoon. Constriction of chest.

Back.–Pain in nape. Stiff neck, head drawn to left. Fixed ache beneath internal and decrease attitude of proper scapula. Pain at decrease perspective of left scapula.

Extremities.–Pain in arms, shoulders, hands, guidelines of fingers. Icy coldness of pointers of fingers; wrists sore, tearing in metacarpal bones. Whole flesh sore to touch. Rheumatic ache in hips and thighs; insupportable pains in heels, as if pinched by using too slender a shoe; worse, right. Feels paralyzed. Paresis of the decrease limbs with stress of muscles.

Skin.–Dry warmness of skin; itches, yellow. Painful pink acne and pustules. Old, spreading, offensive ulcers. Wilted skin. Sallow, cold, clammy.

Modalities.–Worse, proper side, motion, touch, alternate of weather, very early in morning. Better, after dinner, from pressure.

Relationship.–Chelidonin.–(Spasm of clean muscle everywhere, intestinal colic, uterine colic, bronchial spasm, tachycardia, etc). Boldo-Boldoa fragrans–(Bladder atony; cholecystitis and biliary calculus. Bitter taste, no appetite; constipation, hypochondriasis languor, congestion of liver; burning weight in liver and stomach. Painful hepatic diseases. Disturbed liver following malaria). Elemuy Gauteria–(Stones in kidneys and bladder; grain doses of powdered bark in water or 5 drops of tincture. Pellagra).

Sulph regularly completes its work.

Complementary: Lycop; Bryon.

Antidote: Chamom.

Compare: Nux; Sulph; Bry; Lyc; Opium; Podophyl; Sanguin; Ars.

Dose.–Tincture and decrease attenuations.

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