Madar Bark
Has been used with marked success in the remedy of syphilis following Mercury; also, in elephantiasis, leprosy, and acute dysentery. Pneumonic phthisis. Tuberculosis.
Increases the circulation in the skin; has effective outcomes as a sudorific. In the secondary signs and symptoms of syphilis, the place Mercury has been used however can’t be pushed safely any farther, it swiftly recruits the constitution, heals the ulcers and blotches from the skin, and perfects the cure. Primary anaemia of syphilis. Heat in belly is a top guiding symptom. Obesity, whilst flesh decreases, muscular tissues turn out to be more difficult and firmer.
Relationship.–Compare: Merc; Potass iod; Berb aqui; Sarsap; Ipecac.
Dose.–Tincture, one to 5 drops; three instances a day.