

Most marked consequences are considered in the respiratory symptoms, mainly in larynx and trachea. It looks to have an effect on particularly scrofulous kids with enlarged glands. Blond type. Enlarged parotid and goitre. Tendency to spasmodic attacks. Left-sided mumps. Sense of suffocation; excoriating discharges, profuse sweats and remarkable weakness. Complaints from being over-heated. Tendency to infiltrate glands, end up hard, however seldom suppurate.

Mind.–Delusion that extraordinary humans are searching over patient’s shoulder and that she would see some one on turning. Quarrelsome.

Head.–Megrim of left side; worse stooping, mainly after consuming milk. Headache; worse warmness of solar and with the aid of speedy motion. Sharp ache via eyes. Dizzy when crossing movement of water.

Nose.–Coryza, with corrosive pain of nose. Stoppage of proper nostril. Pressure at root of nose. Tickling, smarting, as from cobwebs. Fan-like movement of alae (Lyc). Bleeding from nostril relieving the chest.

Throat.–Throat feels raw, evening, with hoarseness. Tonsils ache on swallowing, deep red, with community of dilated blood vessels. Tickling in trachea for the duration of inspiration. Hoarseness coming on from being overheated.

Stomach and Abdomen.–Sharp burning from tongue to stomach. Pressure as of stone. Gastralgia; higher eating. Tympanitic distention of abdomen. Painful haemorrhoids, with black stool.

Respiratory.–Whooping cough (Use constantly for about ten days). Dry cough, with hoarseness and burning ache in the back of sternum. Spasmodic cough, with rattling of mucus in the larynx; suffocative. Hoarseness. Croup after febrile signs and symptoms have subsided. Difficult and painful breathing. Violent cramping of chest. Chest pains run upward. Cold sensation when inspiring. Every notion provokes cough. Laryngeal diphtheria, membrane starts offevolved in larynx and spreads upward. Spasmodic constriction. Asthma; concern in getting air into lung (Chlorum, in expelling). Better at sea, of seafaring guys when they come on land. Hypertrophy of coronary heart from gymnastics (Rhus). Fibrinous bronchitis, excellent dyspnoea. Bronchial tubes sense stuffed with smoke.

Male.–Swelling of testicles. Indurated, with pains worse mild jar.

Female.–Swelling of ovaries. Menses too early; too profuse, with membranous shreds. Low spirited earlier than menses. Tumor in breasts, with stitching pains; worse left. Stitch pains from breast to axillae. Sharp taking pictures ache in left breast, worse, pressure.

Sleep.–Full of desires and anguish; jerking and beginning throughout sleep, full of myth and illusions; challenging to go to sleep at night, can’t sleep sufficient in morning; trembling and vulnerable on awaking.

Skin.–Acne, zits and pustules. Boils on fingers and face. Glands stony, hard, specially on decrease jaw and throat. Hard goitre (Spong). Gangrene.

Modalities.–Worse, from evening, till midnight, and when sitting in heat room; heat damp climate when at relaxation and mendacity left side. Better, from any motion; exercise, at sea.

Relationship.–Antidotes: Ammon carb; Camph. Salt inhibits the motion of Brom.

Compare: Conium; Spongia; Iod; Aster; Arg nit. Avoid milk when taking Brom. Hydrobromic acid (Throat dry and puckering; constriction in pharynx and chest; waves of warmness over face and neck; pulsating tinnitus with superb fearful irritability (Houghton); vertigo, palpitation; palms heavy; appeared as if components did now not belong to him. Seems to have a unique impact on the inferior cervical ganglion, growing the tonic motion of the sympathetic, for this reason promotion vaso-constriction. Relieves headache, tinnitus and vertigo, in particular in vaso-motor belly disturbance. Dose, 20 minims).

Dose.–First to 1/3 attenuation. Must be organized fresh, as it is accountable to speedy deterioration.

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