Best homeopathic medicines for cough

Best homeopathic medicines for cough

A cough is a reflex action to unclog the air passage of mucus or other irritants. Cough can also be done intentionally to clear the throat. It’s not a disease itself and a body’s way to clear out the mucus or air pollutants. It is supportive to get rid of phlegm quickly. Mostly, it gone without any medical attention but if the condition persists should see a medical assistance. Cough can be categorized into two;

Wet or productive cough:

It produces mucus and commonly due to colds, some allergies or other respiratory infections. A person may feel chest tightness or congestion. It gets worse when waking up and while talking.

Dry or unproductive cough:

It does not produce mucus and usually caused by cold but in many cases, it happens from cigarette smoke, dust, fumes or some other irritants present in our environment. A dry cough does not harm but irritates the throat and is usually linked with a tickly throat.

Best homeopathic medicine for cough


Bryonia is best medicine when cough is dry; other symptoms include much thirst, dryness in throat. Bryonia 30 for cough is usually prescribed, not higher potencies.


Spongia is great homeo medicine for cough. Person feeling suffocation, difficult respiration and anxiety if he awakes by cough during sleep.

Homeopathic medicine for cough and congestion

Kali bichromicum

This homeopathic remedy is recommended for metallic hacking cough, prolific yellow expectoration come out in a long string. Cough with pain in sternum extending to shoulder.


Pulsatlla can be used when cough produces on lying down in bed, better on sitting. Difficult expectoration, mucus yellow in the morning. Symptoms aggravate after taking oily food.

Homeopathic medicine for cough and sore throat

Medicines for cough with throat inflammation, sore throat (pharyngitis) are aconite, chamomilla, Hippuricumacidum, Ipecacuanha, Mercurius iodatusruber, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla. Aconite is first homeopathic medicine for cough cold and fever after exposure to cold air/dry cold wind.

Homeopathic remedy for whooping cough

Arnica, Arsenic iod, badiga, carbo veg, cheldonium, drosera, hyoscyamus, kali bichromicum, rumex, sanguinaria, stramonium are medicines for whooping cough.

Homeopathy for cough and cold

Aconite, Bryonia, Arsenic for runny nose and cough, Nux vomica cough is indicated for nose obstruction and pain in forehead.

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