Best homeopathic medicine for constipation

Best homeopathic medicine for constipation


Basically, it is a disorder of gastrointestinal tract in which the individual may have lesser bowel movement i.e. not more than three bowel movement per week. In the serious condition, patient may have taken one week or more than a week to excrete out from the body. In this disease, because of the dry and hard feces the patient feels discomfort in the lower abdomen. After passing every bowel patient feels inadequate evacuation.

Homeopathic treatment for constipation

If you asked a best medicine for constipation to your homeopath? To prescribe the best and perfect remedy he has to take your history about symptoms, your appetite, aversion, allergies, sleep, thirst, your lifestyle and many symptoms related to constipation.

Nux vomica

Commonly homeopathic medicine used to treat different disorder especially related to the digestive tract. This medicine comes from a plant by the similar name Nux Vomica.

Nitric acid

Nitric acid is also known as mineral acid is consumed as homeopathic medicine. This medicine has the ability to relaxes or loosen up the muscles of the different human system like the respiratory system, genitor-urinary system, and digestive system. It acts well when patient experience constipation alternating with diarrhea.

Alumina constipation

Patients who feel difficult to pass a bowel even stool is soft Alumina is basically recommend to those patients. Where as in infant’s constipation is characterized by totally absent of desire to pass the stool.  Usually patient has to think about the last evacuation when they asked about the constipation.

Bryonia for constipation

Patient who gets difficulty in evacuation of hard dry stool Bryonia is one of best remedy to recommend. Bryonia is sometimes given with alumina. Chapped lips and throat along with the dryness on mouth and skin are the main symptoms. There is much dryness in throat and patient drinks water in large quantity.

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