

Has some popularity as a treatment for epileptic conditions, and convulsive ailments of childhood and ladies at puberty. Locally and internally is injurious to eyes. Petit mal. Epilepsy barring aura; after fright and different violent thoughts and after masturbation. Several convulsions shut together. Somnambulism. Gets up at night time and works, remembers nothing in the morning (Kali phos).

Head.–Drawn returned by way of spasmodic twitchings. Mouth drawn to left. Congestion of brain.

Eyes.–Colored mild produces dizziness. Pain and blurring of vision; better; rubbing; worse, the use of eyes.

Female.–Profuse menses. Violent uterine contractions. Spasms all through menses.

Fever.–Profuse sweat, smelling like garlic.

Relationship.–Compare: Absinth; Cina; Cicuta.

Dose.–First to 0.33 potency. Said to act better when given with wine.

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