Black Sulphide of Antimony
For homeopathic employment, the intellectual signs and these of the gastric sphere, decide its choice. Excessive irritability and fretfulness, collectively with a thickly-coated white tongue, are proper guiding signs to many varieties of sickness calling for this remedy. All the stipulations are aggravated by using warmness and bloodless bathing. Cannot endure warmth of sun. Tendency to develop fat. An absence of pain, the place it should be expected, is noticeable. Gout with gastric symptoms.
Mind.–Much worried about his fate. Cross and contradictive; anything is performed fails to provide satisfaction. Sulky; does no longer desire to speak. Peevish; vexed except cause. Child can’t endure to be touched or seemed at. Angry at each and every little attention. Sentimental mood.
Head.–Aching, worse in vertex, on ascending, from bathing, from disordered stomach, specifically from ingesting sweet or ingesting acid wines. Suppressed eruptions. Heaviness in brow with vertigo; nausea, and nosebleed. Headache with terrific loss of hair.
Eyes.–Dull, sunken, red, itch, inflamed, agglutinated. Canthi uncooked and fissured. Chronic blepharitis. Pustules on cornea and lids.
Ears.–Redness; swelling; ache in eustachian tube. Ringing and deafness. Moist eruption round ear.
Nose.–Nostrils chapped and protected with crusts. Eczema of nostrils, sore, cracked and scurfy.
Face.–Pimples, pustules, and boils on face. Yellow crusted eruption on cheeks and chin. Sallow and haggard.
Mouth.–Cracks in corners of mouth. Dry lips. Saltish saliva. Much slimy mucus. Tongue lined thick white, as if whitewashed. Gums detach from teeth; bleed easily. Toothache in hole teeth. Rawness of palate, with expectoration of a lot mucus. Canker sores. Pappy taste. No thirst. Subacute eczema about mouth.
Throat.–Much thick yellowish mucus from posterior nares. Hawking in open air. Laryngitis. Rough voice from over use.
Stomach.–Loss of appetite. Desire for acids, pickles. Thirst in night and night. Eructation tasting of the ingesta. Heartburn, nausea, vomiting. After nursing, the toddler vomits its milk in curds, and refuses to nurse afterwards, and is very cross. Gastric and intestinal complaints from bread and pastry, acids, bitter wine, bloodless bathing, overheating, warm weather. Constant belching. Gouty metastasis to belly and bowels. Sweetish waterbrash. Bloating after eating.
Stool.–Anal itching (Sulpho-calc. Alum). diarrhoea alternates with constipation, mainly in historical people. Diarrhoea after acids, bitter wine, baths, overeating; slimy, flatulent stools. Mucous piles, persevered oozing of mucus. Hard lumps blended with watery discharge. Catarrhal proctitis. Stools composed completely of mucus.
Urine.–Frequent, with burning, and backache; turbid and foul odor.
Male.–Eruption on scrotum and about genitals. Impotence. Atrophy of penis and testicles.
Female.–Excited; components itch. Before menses, toothache; menses too early and profuse. Menses suppressed from bloodless bathing, with feeling of stress in pelvis and tenderness in ovarian region. Leucorrhoea watery; acrid, lumpy.
Respiratory.–Cough worse coming into heat room, with burning sensation in chest, itching of chest, oppression. Loss of voice from turning into overheated. Voice harsh and badly pitched.
Back.–Itching and ache of neck and back.
Extremities.–Twitching of muscles. Jerks in arms. Arthritic ache in fingers. Nails brittle; develop out of shape. Horny warts on palms and soles. Weakness and shaking of palms in writing observed by using offensive flatulence. Feet very tender; protected with giant attractive places. Inflamed corns. Pain in heels.
Skin.–Eczema with gastric derangements. Pimples, vesicles, and pustules. Sensitive to bloodless bathing. Thick, hard, honey-colored scabs. Urticaria; measle-like eruption. Itching when heat in bed. Dry skin. Warts (Thuja; Sabina; Caust). Dry gangrene. Scaly, pustular eruption with burning and itching, worse at night.
Sleep.–Continual drowsiness in historical people.
Fever.–Chilly even in warm room. Intermittent with disgust, nausea, vomiting, eructations, covered tongue, diarrhoea. Hot sweat.
Modalities.–Worse, in evening, from heat, acids, wine, water, and washing. Wet poultices. Better, in open air, at some point of rest. Moist warmth.
Relationship.–Compare: Antimonium Chloridum. Butter of Antimony (A treatment for cancer. Mucous membranes destroyed. Abrasions. Skin bloodless and clammy. Great prostration of strength. Dose-third trituration).
Antimon iodat (Uterine hyperplasia; humid asthma. Pneumonia and bronchitis; loss of strength, and appetite, yellowish skin, sweaty, stupid and drowsy). In sub-acute and persistent colds in chest which have prolonged downwards from head and have fixed themselves upon the bronchial tubes in the structure of hard, croupy cough with a determined wheeze and incapability to increase the sputum, specially in the aged and susceptible sufferers (Bacmeister). Stage of decision of pneumonia gradual and delayed.
Compare: Kermes mineral-Stibiat sulph rub (Bronchitis). Also Puls, Ipecac, Sulph.
Complementary: Sulph.
Antidote: Hepar.
Dose.–Third to sixth potency.