Common Potash Alum

The medical utility of this treatment factors to its bowel symptoms, each in obstinate constipation and in haemorrhage from bowels in the path of typhoid-one section of the paralytic weak spot of the muscle tissue in all components of the body. Tendency to induration is additionally marked, a low shape of tissue-making is favored. Hardening of tissues of tongue, rectum, uterus, etc; ulcers with indurated base. Adapted to ancient people, mainly bronchial catarrhs. Sensation of dryness and constriction. Mental paresis; dysphagia mainly to liquids. Tendency to induration, Scirrhus of the tongue.

Head.–Burning ache as of weight on pinnacle of lead higher by way of strain of hand. Vertigo, with weak spot in pit of stomach. Alopecia.
Throat.–Throat relaxed. Mucous membrane purple and swollen. Cough. Tickling in throat. Tendency to throat colds. Enlarged and indurated tonsils. Burning ache down the oesophagus. Complete aphonia. Every bloodless settles in throat. Constriction of oesophagus.
Heart.–Palpitation, from mendacity down on proper side.
Rectum.–Constipation of the most aggravated kind. No wish for stool for days. Violent ineffectual urging to stool. No capability to expel stool. Marble-like hundreds pass, however rectum nevertheless feels full. Itching after stool. Itching in anus. Long lasting ache and smarting in rectum after stool; additionally haemorrhoids. Yellow, like an infant’s. Haemorrhage from bowels.
Female.–Tendency to induration of neck of uterus and mammary glands (Carb an; Con). Chronic yellow vaginal discharge. Chronic gonorrhoea, yellow, with little lumps alongside urethra. Aphthous patches in vagina (Caul). Menses watery.
Respiratory.–Haemoptysis, extraordinary weak point of chest; challenging to expel mucus. Copious, ropy morning expectoration in historic people. Asthma.
Skin.–Ulcers, with indurated base. To be thinking of in indurated glands, epithelioma, etc; veins end up varicose and bleed. Indurations ensuing from long-continued inflammatory irritations. Glands inflame and harden. Alopecia, Scrotal eczema and on returned of penis.
Extremities.–Weakness of all muscles, in particular fingers and legs. Constricted feeling round limbs.
Modalities.–Worse, bloodless barring headache, which is relieved through cold.
Dose.–First to thirtieth potency. The very best potencies have proved efficacious. Powdered alum, 10 grains, positioned on tongue, stated to arrest an assault of asthma.

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