Homeopathic Remedies for Enlarged Adenoids Tonsils
Introduction: Both adenoids and tonsils are part of immune system and are lymphatic tissues. Enlarged adenoids and tonsils can cause difficulty breathing and swallowing and sometimes recurring ear and sinus infections. Both are common among children.
Symptoms: The possible signs of enlarged tonsils or adenoids include the following.
- Snoring.
- Pauses in breathing during sleep.
- Mainly breathing through the mouth.
- Strained breathing.
- Restless sleep, waking frequently, bedwetting.
- Unusual sleeping.
- Trouble swallowing, “hot potato” speech.
- Frequent colds.
Causes: Children have large adenoids and tonsils that are not due to any problem. However tonsils and adenoids can become enlarged when they infected with virus or bacteria allergens and irritants can also be cause to enlarge adenoids and tonsils. Both return to normal size when infection is over.
Homeopathic Treatment for Adenoids & Tonsils
Homeopathy offers natural, free from any side effects and safe treatment in case of Adenoids & Tonsils. In first step it helps in treating the minor symptoms of the Adenoids & Tonsils. Following this, It aims to address the chronic symptoms of Adenoids & Tonsils. The remedies used in the homeopathic system of treatment and management of Adenoids & Tonsils are of natural origin and treat Adenoids & Tonsils without any harmful reaction.
Homeopathic Medicines for Enlarged Adenoids& Tonsils with Indications
Enlarged Adenoids
- Baryta Carb and Calcarea Carb: Use full in recurrent tendency to catch cold.
- Agraphis Nutans: Applies in deafness resulting from adenoids.
- Kali Sulphuricum: Applies in grow back after surgery.
- Ammonium Carb & Sambucus Nigra: Usefull in blocked nose and mouth breathing.
- Opium & China Officinalis: Use full in snoring.
- Agraphis Nutans & Merc Sol: Major medicines related to the ear in children.
- Tuberculinum and Psorinum: These medicines work on strengthen the body’s immune system.
- Calcarea Fluor:For Tonsil Stones.
- Merc Sol: For Tonsil Stones with Bad Breath.
- Phytolacca Decandra: For Tonsil Stones with Difficult Swallowing.
- Belladonna: For Tonsil Stones with Inflamed Tonsils.
- HeparSulph: For Tonsil Stones with Ear Ache.
Remarks: In combination can use Reckeweg R1.
Note: use all medicines as per doctor instructions.