Teething Infants

Homeopathic Medicines for Teething Infants

Introduction: Some toddlers are born with their first teeth. Others begin teething earlier than they are four months old, and some after 12 months. But most infants begin teething at round 6 months.

Symptoms: Baby teeth sometimes emerge with no pain or discomfort at all.

  1. Drooling.
  2. Rash.
  3. Coughing and/or gag reflex.
  4. Biting.
  5. Crying.
  6. Irritability.
  7. Refusing to eat.
  8. Night waking.
  9. Ear pulling and cheek rubbing.

Causes: You can help alleviate your baby’s teething discomfort with these mom-tested remedies.

Homeopathic Treatment for Teething Infants

Homeopathy offers natural, free from any side effects and safe treatment in case of Teething Infants. In first step it helps in treating the minor symptoms of the Teething Infants. Following this, It aims to address the chronic symptoms of Teething Infants. The remedies used in the homeopathic system of treatment and management of Teething Infants are of natural origin and treat Teething Infants without any harmful reaction.

Homeopathic Medicines for Teething Infants with Indications

  1. Chamomilla: The Real Tooth fairy.
  2. Cina: For Teething to manage Irritability.
  3. Merc Sol: For Teething with Swollen Gums.
  4. Podophyllum Peltatum: For Teething with Diarrhea.
  5. CalcareaPhos: ease out teething, it should be given during dentition.

Remarks: we can use only single remedy for Teething.

Note: use all medicines as per doctor instructions.

SplendorCo Allopathy & Homeopathic Pharmaceuticals
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