Thyme Camphor (THYMOL)

A treatment having a vast area in genito-urinary diseases. It is indicated in pathological emissions, priapism and prostatorrhoea. The provings exhibit an motion restricted to the sexual organs, producing a normal sexual neurasthenia. Specific for hookworm disorder (Chenopodium).

Mental.–Irritable, arbitrary, have to have his personal way. Craves company. Energy gone.

Back.–Tired, aching in the course of lumbar region. Worse, intellectual and bodily labor.

Male.–Profuse, nightly, seminal emissions with lascivious goals of a perverted character. Priapism. Urinary burning and subsequent dribbling of urine. Polyuria. Urates increased. Phosphates decreased.

Sleep.–Awakes worn-out and unrefreshed. Lascivious and super dreams.

Relationship.–Compare: Carbon Tetrachloride as a treatment for Hookworms, according to Dr. Lambert, Suva, Fiji who employed it in 50,000 cases.

“1. Carbon tetrachloride is a vermifuge and vermicide of extremely good potency, and has proven itself to be the first-rate vermifuge for the cure of hookworm in a u . s . a . the place the disorder predominates.

“2. It offers little soreness to the patient, is palatable, required no coaching of the patient, and when pure is curiously no longer toxic-all of which aspects are of benefit in a famous campaign.

“W. G. Smillie, and S. B. Pessoa, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, additionally have determined carbon tetrachloride to be extraordinarily environment friendly in doing away with hookworms. A single dose of three Cc given to adults has been proved to put off ninety five per cent of all the hookworms harbored”.

Modalities.–Thymol. Worse, intellectual and bodily labor.

Dose.–Sixth attenuation.

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