
Stimulates the cold-perceiving nerves, so simply after taking it, a contemporary of air at the normal temperature looks cold. Marked motion on respiratory organs and skin. Useful in gastrodynia, flatulent cold.

Abdomen.–Bloated, annoying sleep. Infantile colic. Bilious colic with top notch accumulation of gas.

Respiration.–Voice husky. Tip of nostril to touch. Throat dry and sore, as if pin crosswise in it. Dry cough, worse from air into larynx, tobacco smoke, fog, talking; with inflammation in suprasternal fossa (Rumex). Trachea painful to touch.

Skin.–Every scratch turns into a sore. Itching of arm and hand when writing. Vaginal pruritus. Herpes zoster (Ars; Ran bulb).

Relationship.–Compare: Rumex; Laches; Mentha pulegium–European pennyroyal–(pain in bones of brow and extremities). Mentha viridis-Spearmint–(scanty urine with ordinary desire).

Dose.–Tincture, 1 to 20 drops, to thirtieth potency. Locally, in pruritus vaginae.

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