Brazilian Caroba-tree


Has popularity as a treatment in venereal ailments and rheumatism. Morning sickness. The urinary and sexual signs and symptoms are important. Rheumatic symptoms.

Head.–Vertigo on rising, with heavy forehead. Eyes pain; are infected and watery. Coryza with heavy head.

Throat.–Sore, dry, constricted. Vesicles in pharynx.

Urinary.–Urethra inflamed; discharge of yellow matter.

Male.–Heat and ache in penis; painful erections; phimosis. Prepuce painful and swollen. Chancroid. Chordee. Itching zits on glans and prepuce.

Extremities.–Rheumatic ache in right knee. Weakness of lumbar region. Morning discomfort and stiffness of muscles. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Itching acne on hands. Gonorrhoeal and syphilitic arthritis.

Relationship.–Compare: Thuja; Corallium; Jacaranda Gualandai (in syphilitic symptoms, specially of eye and throat. Chancroids; atonic ulcers. Dark, painless diarrhoea).

Dose.–Tincture, to 0.33 potency.

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