
Hahnemann says: “The motion of this substance is very confusing and challenging of investigation, even in the wholesome organism due to the fact its predominant action, greater regularly than with any different remedy, alternates and turns into intermixed with the fundamental reactions (after effects) of the organism. On this account it is regularly challenging to decide what belongs to the critical reactions of the body and what to the alternating outcomes due to the essential motion of the camphor.”

Pictures a kingdom of collapse. Icy coldness of the total body; surprising sinking of strength; pulse small and weak. After operations, if temperature is subnormal, low blood pressure, three doses camph. 1x, 15-minute intervals. This situation is met with in cholera, and right here it is that Camphor has done classical fame. First tiers of a cold, with chilliness and sneezing. Subsultus and intense restlessness. Cracking of joints. Epileptiform convulsions. Camphor has a direct relationship to muscular tissues and fascia. In nearby rheumatic affections in bloodless climates necessary. Distention of veins. As a coronary heart stimulant for emergency use of Camphor is the most exceptional remedy. Drop doses on sugar as frequently as each 5 minutes.

It is attribute of Camphor that the affected person will no longer be covered, however the icy coldness of the body. One of the principal treatments in shock. Pain higher whilst questioning of it. Very touchy to bloodless and to touch. Sequelae of measles. Violent convulsion, with wandering and hysterical excitement. Tetanic spasms. Scrofulous young people and irritable, weakly blondes specifically affected.

Head.–Vertigo, tendency to unconsciousness, feeling as if he would die. Influenza; headache, with catarrhal symptoms, sneezing, etc. Beating ache in cerebellum. Cold sweat. Nose bloodless and pinched. Tongue cold, flabby, trembling. Fleeting stitches in temporal location and orbits. Head sore. Occipital throbbing, synchronous with the pulse.

Eyes.–Fixed, staring; scholars dilated. Sensation as if all objects had been too vivid and glittering.

Nose.–Stopped; sneezing. Fluent coryza on unexpected exchange of weather. Cold and pinched. Persistent epistaxis, in particular with goose-flesh kingdom of skin.

Face.–Pale, haggard, anxious, distorted; bluish, cold. Cold sweat.

Stomach.–Pressive ache in pit of stomach. Coldness, accompanied through burning.

Stool.–Blackish; involuntary. Asiatic cholera, with cramps in calves, coldness of body, anguish, notable weakness, collapse, tongue and mouth cold.

Urine.–Burning and strangury, with tenesmus of the neck of the bladder. Retention with full bladder.

Male–Besire increased. Chordee. Priapism. Nightly emissions.

Respiratory.–Praecordial distress. Suffocative dyspnoea. Asthma. Violent, dry, hacking cough. Palpitation. Breath cold. Suspended respiration.

Sleep.–Insomnia, with bloodless limbs. Subsultus and intense restlessness.

Extremities.–Rheumatic ache between shoulders. Difficult motion. Numbness, tingling and coldness. Cracking in joints. Cramps in calves. Icy bloodless feet, soreness as if sprained.

Fever.–Pulse small, weak, slow. Icy coldness of the total body. Cold perspiration. Congestive chill. Tongue cold, flabby, trembling.

Skin.–Cold, pale, blue, livid. Cannot endure to be blanketed (Secale).

Modalities.–Worse, motion, night, contact, bloodless air. Better, warmth.

Relationship.–Camphor antidotes or modifies the motion of almost each vegetable medicine–tobacco, opium, worm medicines, etc. Laffa acutangula (whole physique ice-cold, with a restlessness and anxiety; burning thirst). Camphoric acid–(a prophylactic in opposition to catheter fever; cystitis 15 grains three instances a day; additionally for prevention of night sweats).

Incompatible: Kali nit.

Complementary: Canth.

Antidotes: Opium; Nitr sp dulc; Phos.

Compare: Carbo; Cuprum; Arsenic; Veratr.

Dose.–Tincture, in drop doses, repeated frequently, or smelling of Spirits of Camphor. Potencies are equally effective.

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